Closing of the Poletti electoral campaign: “A real celebration of the people”

Closing of the Poletti electoral campaign: “A real celebration of the people”
Closing of the Poletti electoral campaign: “A real celebration of the people”

CIVITAVECCHIA – From the press office of the candidate for mayor Paolo Poletti we receive and publish:

“It was a real people’s celebration, animated by hundreds of citizens, which yesterday welcomed the closing of the electoral campaign of the coalition led by the mayoral candidate Paolo Poletti. The scenario was that of Piazza Fratti, a place that in recent years has also seen the enthusiasm of the people explode every time a force capable of changing the way of doing politics in Civitavecchia presented itself. This is the right opportunity to give voice to all those citizens who also see a great opportunity for relaunch and redemption in progress and the future. The protagonists of local politics paraded on a stage decorated in white and blue together with some candidates, more and less well-known but all united by a great desire to get busy for their city. They followed, among others, the senator of Italia Viva Ivan Scalfarotto, Marco Di Stefano, commissioner of Noi Moderati and member of the Capitoline assembly, Giorgio Simeoni, regional councilor and group leader of Fi, Marietta Tidei, regional councilor Italia Viva, Alessandro Battilocchio , Forza Italia deputy and concluded Paolo Poletti, candidate for mayor of Civitavecchia for the coalition and leader of the Poletti mayor civic list. From the stage the mayoral candidate spoke with passion, describing an electoral campaign which day after day recorded impressive numbers and an increasingly solid consensus among the people, among the citizens who understood the value of this new proposal and understood how a seamless and widely shared change is important. It was not even difficult to convey the concept for which the component of unity and the value of progress, expressions present in all points of the program which was once again remembered in its main aspects highlighting the relaunch of the local economy, the modernization of infrastructure, improvement of public services and attention to the environment. Amid thunderous applause, Poletti promised transparent and participatory management, aimed at involving citizens in decisions. The interventions of the other members of the coalition reinforced the key messages, highlighting the experience and competence of the entire government team and the credibility it also enjoys in political circles at a national level. The evening ended with a call to vote, inviting everyone to choose change and believe in a better future for the community. The crowd, full of energy, greeted the candidate with long applause, demonstrating strong support and a contagious optimism that will carry everyone beyond election day.”

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