Sassari Weather Forecast: all the details for weekend 7

The weather forecast for Sassari indicates scattered clouds on Friday night with temperatures around +17.8°C. During Saturday, clear skies in the morning and scattered clouds in the afternoon with possible light rain. Maximum temperatures will reach +33.1°C. Sunday, scattered clouds with a 1% chance of rain in the afternoon and clear in the evening. It is advisable to monitor weather conditions and prepare for high temperatures, with possible changes in the forecast.

Friday 7 June

In the Night in Sassari, they are expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 78%. Temperatures will be around +17.8°Cwith a perception of +17.1°C. The wind will blow a 5.8km/h coming from the South East. No precipitation is expected, and the humidity will be 57% with an atmospheric pressure of 1019hPa.

During the morningthe sky will be serene with cloud cover of8%. Temperatures will rise to +29.4°Cwith a perception of +28.2°C. The wind will be moderate, with gusts up to 10.2km/h coming from the North. Humidity will be maintained around the 30% with a pressure of 1018hPa.

In the afternoonare expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 56%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +29.1°Cwith a perception of +28°C. The wind will increase slightly, with gusts up to 12.5km/h always coming from the North. The humidity will remain constant at 31% with an atmospheric pressure of 1018hPa.

In eveningforecasts indicate scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 41%. Temperatures will be around +21.1°Cwith a perception of +20.4°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 5km/h coming from the East – South East. The humidity will increase slightly at 46% with a pressure of 1017hPa.

Saturday 8 June

In the Night between Friday and Saturday, the sky will be characterized by scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 47%. Temperatures will remain around +20°Cwith a perception of +19.3°C. The wind will blow a 6.3km/h coming from the South – South East. No precipitation is expected, and the humidity will be 48% with an atmospheric pressure of 1017hPa.

During the morning on Saturday, the sky will be serene with cloud cover of7%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +33.1°Cwith a perception of +31.7°C. The wind will be moderate, with gusts up to 15km/h coming from the West – North West. The humidity will settle at 27% with a pressure of 1012hPa.

In the afternoonare provided scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 54%. Temperatures will remain around +32.9°Cwith a perception of +31.6°C. The wind will be moderate, with a speed of 13km/h coming from the North – North West. Light rain with an intensity of 0.11mm and a humidity of 28% with a pressure of 1011hPa.

In eveningthe sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 98%. Temperatures will be around +27.2°Cwith a perception of +26.9°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 1km/h coming from the South East. The humidity will be around 38% with a pressure of 1009hPa.

Sunday 9 June

In the Night between Saturday and Sunday, the sky will be covered with a cloud cover of 95%. Temperatures will remain around +23.7°Cwith a perception of +23°C. The wind will blow a 4.5km/h coming from the South West. No precipitation is expected, and humidity will be 34% with an atmospheric pressure of 1009hPa.

During the morning on Sunday, are scheduled scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 53%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +29.6°Cwith a perception of +29°C. The wind will be moderate, with gusts up to 33.4km/h coming from the West – South West. The humidity will settle at 37% with a pressure of 1008hPa.

In the afternoonare expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 65%. Temperatures will remain around +29°Cwith a perception of +28.6°C. The wind will be moderate, with a speed of 22.8km/h coming from the South West. A chance of rain is expected1% with a humidity of 39% and a pressure of 1008hPa.

In eveningthe sky will be serene with a cloud cover of 6%. Temperatures will be around +19.8°Cwith a perception of +20.2°C. The wind will be brisk, with a speed of 12km/h coming from the South West. The humidity will be87% with a pressure of 1010hPa.

In light of the weather forecast for weekend in Sassari, it is advisable to keep an eye on the evolution of weather conditions and prepare for high temperatures, with possible precipitation on Saturday. Stay updated for any changes in the forecast.

Complete weather forecast for Sassari

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