The three priests who will be appointed by Monsignor Delpini are from Varese and Ispra

The three priests who will be appointed by Monsignor Delpini are from Varese and Ispra
The three priests who will be appointed by Monsignor Delpini are from Varese and Ispra

There are also 3 from Varese among the seventeen priests who will be appointed by Archbishop Delpini on Saturday 8 June.

It’s about Paolo Bottelli, 31 years old, from Varese, from the pastoral community Beato Samuele Marzorati, Stefano Pedroli, 30 years old, from Varese, from the pastoral community of Sant’Antonio Abate and Ludovico Pileci, 24 years old, from Ispra from the parish of San Martino di Ispra.

THE future priestswho completed the journey of studies and spiritual discernment at the Venegono Seminary, they are between 25 and 37 years old. Some of them entered the Seminary after high school, seven have graduated, and still others had started working. Their life experiences and the paths that led them to decide to become priests are very heterogeneous: there are those who worked with the chef Davide Oldani, those who found the path to their vocation in their passion for music or cinema, those has rediscovered the faith thanks to the Divine Comedy and those who have had missionary experiences abroad. What new priests have in common, in most cases, is a prolonged attendance at the oratory.

In addition to the three from Varese, five new priests come from Pastoral Zone IV (Rho), three from Zone I (Milan) and V (Monza), one from Zone VI (Melegnano), while one comes from Nicaragua and completed the last part of his training in Venegono.

«In the vast majority of cases the spark for the vocation – he explains Don Luca Andreini, spiritual father of the four-year seminar – arose from an encounter with a specific person: the life of a priest, a provocative question or the sharing of a profound experience. The intuition of one’s vocation always appears as a question that opens up, like a doubt that creeps into one’s present, like a life that arouses fascination and desire.”

Like every year, the seminarians identified a motto and an icon as identifying signs of their vocation. In view of the ordination they identified the verse from the Gospel of John “You are my friends” is the motto that will also accompany them during their ministry. For the image, the choice fell on the work of the contemporary artist Nicola Villa “Dedication of the church and the altar” in which the face of Ambrose, patron saint of Milan, can be glimpsed in the background.

In addition to the family members of the future priests, the friends and faithful of the parishes of origin and those in which the seminarians carried out their first pastoral experiences will participate in the solemn celebration. After the Mass, the new priests will be celebrated, as per tradition, outside the Cathedral.

On June 20, at 11.45 am, in the weekday chapel of the Cathedral, the Archbishop will inform the new priests of the parishes in which they will carry out their ministry.

The 17 ordinands: Michele Ascari, 37 years old, from Giussano (MB), pastoral community of San Paolo of Giussano; Giole Asquini, 34 years old, from Legnano, parish of San Paolo di Legnano; Davide Beretta, 28 years old, from Carnate (MB), pastoral community Madonna del Carmine of Carnate; Paolo Bottelli, 31 years old, from Varese, pastoral community Beato Samuele Marzorati of Varese; Matteo Foppoli, 29 years old, from Milan, parish of Santa Francesca Romana in Milan; Marco Garrini, 26 years old, from Milan, All Saints parish of Milan; Andrea Giuliani, 29 years old, from Inzago (MI), parish of Santa Maria Assunta of Inzago; Edoardo Mauri, 26 years old, from Desio (MB), parish of San Pio Manuel Mazzucco, 28 years old, from Milan, parish of San Gottardo al Corso in Milan; Stefano Pedroli, 30 years old, from Varese, pastoral community of Sant’Antonio Abate; Patrick Pescialli, 26 years old, from Cornaredo (MI), parish of San Pietro in San Pietro all’Olmo in Cornaredo; Ludovico Pileci, 24 years old, from Ispra (VA), parish of San Martino di Ispra; Alessandro Tacchi, 26 years old, from Vanzaghello (MI), parish of Sant’Ambrogio di Vanzaghello; Piercarlo Tettamanti, 25 years old, from Beregazzo con Figliaro (CO), parish of Saints Ilario and Remigio of Beregazzo con Figliaro; Erick Torres Torres, 32 years old, of the Diocese of Juigalpa (Nicaragua); Federico Valvassori, 30 years old, from Boffalora sopra Ticino (MI), parish of Santo Stefano di Santo Stefano Ticino; Matteo Viscomi, 27 years old, from Senago (MI), parish of Santa Maria Assunta of Senago.

Together with the new diocesan priests, two Capuchin Friars Minor, a religious belonging to the Congregation of Charity Schools – Cavanis Institute and a young Italian from the Diocese of Huari (Peru) belonging to Operation Mato Grosso will receive the sacrament of presbyteral Order.

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