“The center-left that abandons the chamber demonstrates its inability to govern Piacenza”

“The center-left that abandons the chamber demonstrates its inability to govern Piacenza”
“The center-left that abandons the chamber demonstrates its inability to govern Piacenza”

“As new Schettinos on the run, i Center-left councilors abandon ship. And they do so in the evident inability to support a practice which, like them, is leaking from all sides.” The centre-right – Civica centre-right Barbieri Sindaco-Trespidi with Liberi, Lega, Fratelli d’Italia – resorts to a now sadly well-known similarity to “stigmatise a decision, that of the majority to eliminate the quorum during the discussion on Piazza Cittadella, which represents first of all a vulnerability for democracy, an attack on the rights of the minority, unable, in this way, to express their opinions and many reasonable doubts about the practicebut above all it highlights the manifest inability of the center-left to administer the city”.

“After 12 years ago the centre-left tied the city’s future to an unreasonable agreement with the private sector – explain the centre-right councilors at Palazzo Mercanti – today the wolf loses its fur but not its vice and, with the superficiality mixed with arrogance that distinguishes, he returned to manage the same practice regardless of the public interest of citizens. Only thinking of the good of all the people of Piacenza, and not of those interested only in some aspects of the practice, the centre-right Administration worked, with the precious contribution of all the municipal offices involved in the practice, to define whether it was really good for Piacenza and the people of Piacenza the construction of a new car park in Piazza Cittadella, relying on an interlocutor who, even today, the top leaders of the Municipality define as ‘very difficult and to be taken with a grain of salt’. The in-depth analysis of those tables was coming to express a judgment on the practice in the imminence of the 2022 electoral campaign which, inevitably, interrupted the continuation of the work: prudence, seriousness and transparency, therefore, ours; anything but the inaction that the center-left is clumsily trying to talk about today in an attempt to divert attention from a sensational false guarantee, which to date has not yet been replaced, and failure to comply with any deadline established for the so-called bankability, i.e. the economic availability of the managing entity“.

“Just as we are not going to allow ourselves to be portrayed as those who attack managers and ‘intimidate’ them for the mere fact of having underlined the inadvisability of focusing on ‘controller’ and ‘controlled’ on the figure of the General Director alone,” add the exponents of the centre-right, recalling how “no later than a month ago it was precisely the majority that attacked a municipal manager in a direct and frankly inappropriate way, even speaking of a conflict of interest, and also within a council commission requested by the exponents of the left themselves.”
“Should we understand that doubts can only be raised regarding some managers and not others?”, rhetorically ask the councilors who do not accept “the majority’s justification of having abandoned the room to protect the managers, whom we have never offended. We don’t want to see the people of Piacenza made fun of. Evidently a botched majority, which only a few weeks ago did not have the numbers to approve its own resolution, this time, given the poor performance and having no arguments to support the comparison, decided to abandon the council. Evidently fearing that various agendas, in particular the one calling for the start of the process of terminating the contract, would have put the majority and therefore the Council in clear difficulty in terms of numbers”.

“The terrible theater put up by the majority, with disorganized and incoherent interventions and the democratic vulnerability created by them by abandoning the chamber – conclude the councilors – appear to be nothing more than an attempt to ‘get by’ for a few more days, hoping that the private manager, who has been collecting the proceeds from paid parking in the city for 12 years with rates that have recently increased, can be able to present the necessary bankability at the start of the works. But is this really what the people of Piacenza need?”

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