Fabio Lupo: “Palermo? I expect an important market to be protagonists”

Fabio Lupo: “Palermo? I expect an important market to be protagonists”
Fabio Lupo: “Palermo? I expect an important market to be protagonists”

The statements released by the former Rosanero manager: “Something was missing in the construction of the staff this year.”

“Not to be a prophet, but crossing my fingers so as not to bring bad luck, I already said a few months ago that in my opinion Parma and Venezia would go up, because they deserved it in terms of the game, especially for what they were expressing and then that between Como and Cremonese would have come out third. Catanzaro is the other team that in my opinion expressed the best football.” Fabio said it Wolfinterviewed at the microphones of Sportitalia. Among the topics covered by the former sporting director of Palermo also promotion in A league conquered by Venice of Paul Vanoli after the victory achieved at “Penzo” against the Cremonese. But not only…

ON VANOLI –“Vanoli certainly has great merits because he has been able to shape this team. Despite his tactical continuity he has always found different clothes, different interpreters, so compliments must be paid to him. Just as they must be paid to Antonelli, who has been able to strengthen this team, retouch it in the right roles, then certainly: congratulations also to those who built this team. The man who is the symbol of this promotion? Having to mention just one name, is it objectively a coincidence that Venezia’s moments of difficulty coincided with his : when he was in the game, Venezia rarely fared badly. And even when he was less in the spotlight, he gave solidity, substance and serenity to his teammates. But Vanoli’s great merit was to make everyone perform, making themselves heard all important.”

VENICE IN SERIES A –“Venezia is ambitious, the President is also and this ambition probably led him to make mistakes in the first season of Serie A. I think that this year, with a person like Antonelli nearby, who knows how to build and who knows football , will not repeat the same mistakes and therefore build a less flashy and more concrete team, more suitable to achieve the objectives of a newly promoted team. I hope that Niederauer lets Antonelli work. The first step will be to save himself, the second to build something, letting himself be less fascinated by him foreign names and more concrete names that can serve Venezia for its own objectives”.

ON COMO –“Como has demonstrated, starting from the ownership, up to the management and Fabregas, great concreteness: beyond the great potential that this club has, they are doing things at the right time and in the right way. I am convinced that they will do the same in this first year of Serie A to build something important so far and objectively the facts are proving them right. Those who play football like me hope that such far-sighted people can stay in football and continue to work in this way. rather than getting caught up in the emotion and the desire to demonstrate something that cannot be achieved. The concreteness and planning of this club gives us hope that this club can last over time.”

SERIES B 2024/2025 –“For the next Serie B there are several new clubs that also arrive from Serie C. However, I expect that Cremonese, in the wake of what has been done, can further take a small step forward, I then certainly expect an important transfer market from Palermo, because this year in my opinion something was missing in the construction of the staff. The rosanero, also in terms of potential, skills and structure, will be able to make a targeted market to be protagonists next year”concluded Lupo.


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