Taranto 25 – Today the “Golden Delphis Award 2024” award ceremony

Taranto 25 – Today the “Golden Delphis Award 2024” award ceremony
Taranto 25 – Today the “Golden Delphis Award 2024” award ceremony

Fabio Tagarelli

Taranto 25 – Today the “Golden Delphis Award 2024” award ceremony

Taranto25 invites the newspaper to the “Golden Delphis Award 2024” event which will be held today, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024, at the elevated car park of the Porte dello Jonio shopping centre.

The over 40 sports clubs that have signed a partnership protocol with Taranto 25 will participate, whose representatives of athletes will access the event site with the standard bearer bearing the “Social Flag” at their head, similarly to what happens in the opening ceremony of the games Olympics!

Taranto25, a network of over 70 local companies, professionals and associations, of which Fabio Tagarelli is president, and the “Porte dello Jonio” shopping center managed by Nhood, of which Mauro Tatulli is director, launch the “Golden Delphis Award 2024”, a new initiative which enjoys the patronage of CONI and the partnership with Mc Donald and Decathlon.

The awards ceremony, presented by journalist Matteo Schinaia, is expected to include the participation of the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Sport Gianni Azzaro, Dr. Angelo Vozza, President of the Panathlon Club “Taranto Principato”, and the Paralympic swimming champion Marco D’Aniello.

Announcing the initiative, Director Mauro Tatulli explained that «organizing significant activities like this at Porte dello Jonio in Nhood is a source of great satisfaction for us, as it brings us ever closer to the heart of the territory that we are committed to supporting every day. People are at the heart of everything we do. Our main objective is to generate a positive impact, offering our customers the opportunity to enter a place traditionally dedicated to shopping and transform it into a dynamic space capable of generating value for the community.”

The “Golden Delphis” award takes its name from the Delphinus delphis, or common dolphin, an endangered species characterized by golden pigmentation on its sides, a symbol of rarity and beauty.

President Fabio Tagarelli then explained that « this award intends to honor sporting champions distinguished for their talent and commitment, with particular attention to those of the territory: eight “Golden Delphis” will be awarded, a scholarship and a prize for career”.

Each award will be presented by members of Taranto 25 who, in addition to illustrating the motivation, will chat with the awarded athlete accompanied on the occasion by the president of the club to which he belongs.

The “Premio Leonida – Delphis d’Oro” scholarship, in particular, will be awarded to the very young Marco Loperfido who will enter the scene on his go-kart.

«The selection criteria for the “Golden Delphis for sport” 2024 – said Fabio Tagarelli – include resilience, valorisation of minor sports, scholastic achievement, sporting merit, gender equality, social commitment and sporting career. The event aims to celebrate and promote sporting excellence in all its forms, recognizing the contribution of athletes and sports clubs to the progress and diffusion of sporting values.”

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