the mayor of Latina convenes the conference of mayors on healthcare

the mayor of Latina convenes the conference of mayors on healthcare
the mayor of Latina convenes the conference of mayors on healthcare

The mayors’ conference on healthcare has been called for next June 18th by the mayor of Latina Matilde Celentano. A meeting intended to present the new company act to the first citizens of the province which will be illustrated by the ASL commissioner Sabrina Cenciarelli.

“The extraordinary commissioner of the Local Health Authority of Latina, Dr. Sabrina Cenciarelli, will illustrate the content of the corporate act, reporting to the mayors of the area the innovations introduced compared to the previous approved document – underlined the mayor of Latina, president of the conference of mayors – Pontine healthcare is going through a period of profound reorganization of services, of the hospital network and of healthcare facilities in light of the new provisions and new allocations of the Lazio Region”.

“The mayors’ conference chaired by me which will take place on June 18th – recalled the first citizen – is the third since I took office. In the two previous appointments, the first in November with the then general director Silvia Cavalli to take stock of the state of the art of the Pnrr projects and the second in February with the president of the Region Francesco Rocca on the reorganization of the hospital network, I had way of appreciating the active, as well as institutional, collaboration of the mayors of the province of Latina. For the first time in this province, a mutual exchange of communications and information has opened on the needs of the territory represented by the mayors and on the responses of the health company. I am sure that we will continue on this path for one of the primary needs of our communities, which is health.”

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