euro 2025, italy norway women at Paolo Mazza in Ferrara La Nuova Ferrara

euro 2025, italy norway women at Paolo Mazza in Ferrara La Nuova Ferrara
euro 2025, italy norway women at Paolo Mazza in Ferrara La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara There are teams in everyone’s hearts, whether they have won trophies or not, others that have to conquer them, going from the head. «Football is above all about results: if you win, then people follow you. That’s what happened with the World Cup in 2019». Barbara Bonanseaa “veteran” of the blue shirt with her almost 33 years of age (she will turn 13), doesn’t hide and knows that the missions with the blue shirtItaly they are a lot. The urgent thing is to beat the Norwaythis afternoon – 4 June – at “Club”, a match valid for the qualifiers Euro 2025. We’re still there group stagethe team of the new technical commissioner Andrea Soncin they started off strong (victory against the Netherlands), stumbled (unexpected knockout in Finland), got back on track last Friday, picking up a point in the first leg against the Norwegians. In Oslo one point each it was essentially the right verdict, although there was no shortage of opportunities on both sides. Meanwhile, the Netherlands rose to 6, narrowly beating Finland, which remains at 3, now first and last in the league table: in the middle, tied with 4 points, today’s contenders on the sacred soil of Ferrara, amulet of the teams in the blue jersey. No, there won’t be the ten thousand who pushed the Scandinavians just four days ago, but, as Bonansea says, enthusiasm is created with results. So, a victory today would be very welcome.

«The match is very important – begins the ct at the presentation – and the girls are well aware of this, as well as what they can do on the pitch. There is the right climate to do well». Right next to it, it’s there the Juventus striker Bonansea: «What do we have to fear? In the first leg it was a very balanced match and, you can see, they are physically bigger than us. Perhaps in Oslo we could have been more courageous and taken advantage of the opportunities created: they must fear our desire to win.”

Soncin then goes into technical details: «In Oslo we did wait for them, but with a medium-high waiting block. On the outside they concede a lot, we can go one-on-one, but also centrally. Then, you can’t play the whole match under high pressure, balance is needed». Again, on the possible turnover: «I make decisions at the last second – says the coach from Vigevano –, I live on sensations. The girls have all shown that they want to be part of this group and I I know I can count on a very large group».

«The climate is serene – adds Bonansea –, the match is fundamental, but it’s still up for grabs 3 points: we’re ready, we’ll play it at home.” Here is the environmental factorwhich doesn’t promise to be particularly hot in the stands, although women’s football is gathering more and more followers in Ferrara too: «You don’t have to look at what’s missing – comments Soncin –, but what is there. It’s nice to see so many girls at the games, who bring enthusiasm: we, the staff and the girls, know we have a big responsibility, that of wearing the blue shirt and ignite that enthusiasm».

«Football is a result – says Bonansea now – and we saw it with the qualification for the final phase of the 2019 World Cup, with many girls who approached this discipline. However, when I was little I didn’t have any female idols, yet I got this far: they, on the other hand, hope for something and have us as an example. I want to dream, a little for us, a little to make them dream».

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