Macerata, a board game to keep historical memory alive: the 5th M class of the scientific high school awarded – Picchio News

Macerata school and university

The “G.Galilei” scientific high school of Macerata is among the winning schools of the “Premio Pasquale Rotondi junior”awarded by the municipality of Sassocorvaro Auditore. The 5th M class, accompanied by teachers Annalisa Campanaro and Carla Marcatili, had the honor of being awarded for the regional victory among secondary schools by Pasquale Rotondi’s daughter, Giovanna Rotondi Terminiello, art historian.

At the same time it took place on stage, edited by Daniele Grossi, mayor of Sassocorvaro Auditore, reading the motivation for first place: “LThe work was original and refined, capable of discovering the values ​​of art by playing and moving away from technology. Studied in detail and content, the project tells the story of the Rescue Operation in a creative, playful way.”

The hope of the Rotondi family and the authorities present was that the board game created by the students of the 5th M class could be known as much as possible among young people, to pass on the memory of the Rescue Operation.

In fact, during the Second World War they were in the Rocca Ubaldinesca of Sassocorvaro almost ten thousand masterpieces of Italian art were saved from the dangers of the conflict. In memory of this operation, the “Arca dell’Arte” Museum, dedicated to Rotondi, was also set up.

The museum itinerary, which the class visited to crown the ceremony, winds through thematic rooms that develop the phases that from Operation Salvataggio (1939-1946) led to the current Rotondi Award.

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