Bari Carbonara, two new eco-stations for recycling inaugurated

Two new eco-stations for the selective collection of steel, aluminium, paper, plastic and glass packaging waste were inaugurated this morning near the Via Vaccarella market in the Carbonara district of Bari. The initiative is part of the experimental project promoted by the Conai consortium in collaboration with the Municipality of Bari and Amiu Puglia to improve the separate collection of urban waste,

The two new eco-stations join the six already active in three different locations in the city: the entrance to the 2 Giugno park (on Viale Einaudi) in Carrassi, the Santa Chiara market in Japigia and the Madonna del Carmelo market in Corso Mazzini , in Freedom.

The project also involves five supply chain consortia of the Conai system: Ricrea, CiAl, Comieco, Corepla and CoReVe. Each consortium deals with the selective collection of specific types of packaging at each eco-station: for steel, Ricrea’s expertise, jars, cans, caps and lids; for aluminium, CiAl expertise, beverage cans; for paper and cardboard, competence of Comieco, beverage cartons; for plastic, Corepla’s expertise, PET beverage bottles; and for glass, expertise of CoReve, bottles and jars.

The numbers of the experiment, explains the Municipality, “are significant: in ten weeks (last week of February, months of March and April 2024), at the three active stations, a total of 106,385 pieces of packaging were delivered, with a prevalence of in plastic: the most virtuous location in terms of number of deliveries is that of the market in via Mazzini”.

In the next few weeks, upon completion of the project, a further station consisting of two eco-stations will be inaugurated: in recent days the technicians in charge are defining the most suitable location. The Municipality recalls that “the experiment involves the issuing of coupons in favor of citizens who use the eco-stations: for every 20 packages delivered, you will in fact obtain a coupon to spend in the commercial establishments that participate in the initiative”.

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