will the Teramo one be confirmed as a whole? – ekuonews.it

will the Teramo one be confirmed as a whole? – ekuonews.it
will the Teramo one be confirmed as a whole? – ekuonews.it

TERAMO – Happy that a football professional, Alfonso Pepperalthough not his first hair, will end (sooner or later) his competitive career in the city that saw him born and become a man, for a couple of valid reasons: the Before concerns exclusively the player, still very valid in every respect and in possession of a physical condition that allows him to do so while the second rewards his professional seriousness, a true example for others in the confines of a locker room. Pepe truly has the magnificent flavor of the right man in the right society.

Having said that, we hope that confirmations will soon arrive from other people from Teramo who have deserved it on the fields of Abruzzo Excellence, from Stefano D’Egidio to Emanuele Ferraioliby Roberto Furlan to David Spring onions.

We don’t venture into the various “not teramani” who also deserve the red and white jersey in D Series in the detailed report quality/performance/age (Christian Change meNouhan Toure and Nicola Vanzan), but these should be preceded by confirmations of the Teramo block. All fellow citizens will be confirmed?

We firmly don’t believe this and not due to the precise wishes of the parties but because, as always happens at the start of a new football season, other aspects will come into play: reimbursements first and foremost, the nature of the contract (annual or not) and more.

Only by adding these elements will the final result emerge. Then if there are those who say: “I took some time to think about it carefully…“, some negative thoughts will begin to occur.

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