Who is Yari Fa, the very young man arrested for the murder of former carabiniere Fabio Piga

The turning point in the investigation into the murder of Fabio Piga, 37 years old, a former carabiniere, came very soon. Yari Fa, 19 years old and already known to the police for some time, was arrested on charges of voluntary homicide. The dramatic bloody incident took place in a pub in via Caprera, Stampace district, near the center of Cagliari. A stab wound in the chest was fatal to the former Army soldier, now employed by a large company, also known for taking care of the security of the place.

Fabio Piga killed with a stab wound

There are no certainties either about the origin of the knife used (it would not have been brought from outside, according to what local newspapers report today) or about the motivation for the argument that led to Piga being stabbed in the chest around three in the morning. The 37-year-old lost a lot of blood and all rescue efforts were in vain. He passed away within a few minutes. Yari Fa, 19 years old, who lives in the San Michele district, was identified by the police officers and the flying squad investigators: transferred and interrogated in the police headquarters, he was then arrested for voluntary homicide. He was taken to prison in Uta and his interrogation is expected in the next few days. This afternoon the autopsy on Piga’s body.

Stopped Yari Fa

Already during the first interrogation at the police station, the social networks of the arrested young man were invaded by comments with heavy insults. An aunt intervened in these terms: “As soon as the news arrived I cried for this boy who I didn’t know personally but who, apparently, is a very good person. I personally sympathize with his family’s pain. I read some intelligent comments that say that there are two families destroyed and yes, that’s right. I cried, my mother cried, my brother cried, my ex-sister-in-law cried and felt bad. What we are experiencing is not at all good I wish it on no one. He made a mistake and it is right that he pays.” The Facebook profile was then made unreachable.

“It’s a very bad story – he told theHandle the police commissioner of Cagliari, Rosanna Lavezzaro, leaving the police station – we are working, it’s a terrible affair”. During the first long interrogation at the police station, the 19-year-old made some spontaneous statements. Then he made use of the right not to answer.

Fabio Piga as Luca Mameli

The partner of the murdered 37-year-old works as a cashier in the place where the murder took place: “Thank you, you made me happy”, was her heartbreaking message on social media.

The murder of Fabio Piga brings to mind the murder of Luca Mameli, the 35-year-old from Capoterra killed less than a year ago near the Poetto seafront, in Quartu, near Cagliari. Even in that case a stab wound to the chest during an argument for trivial reasons. Sara Mameli, Luca’s sister, finds herself reliving that infinite pain: “I gather around Fabio Piga’s family, I didn’t know him but today with his death he made me fall again into a deep sense of sadness and anger that nothing can fill it. We try to move forward but nothing is like before, I’m without strength”, he writes on Facebook. Fabio Piga “like my brother. Him like Luca Mameli killed for trivial reasons, with a stab wound to the chest. Because of someone rotten, who doesn’t go out to have fun but to look for fights, to destroy, and precisely for that reason he goes out armed. I’m scared for my children when they go out, for my boyfriend when he works, for my family I have a deep hatred for these beasts”, she concludes.

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