“Here the paw!” brings fun and celebrations for furry friends to Pertini in Legnano

A festive afternoon with four-legged friends spent on Saturday 1 June at Pertini-Salice Center in Legnano. “Here’s the paw!“, this is the name of thedog event now in its second editionwhich saw the presence of various local associations with stands and initiatives designed specifically to spend a fun-filled day in the company of your furry friends.

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Second edition of the event “Qua la zampa!” 4 of 10

For the occasion, a dinner was prepared in the garden of the Pertini-Salice Centre obstacle course where those present were able to test their four-legged friends with proprioceptive and problem solving activities with the help of the dog instructor Antonella Garavaglia and dog educators Emanuele Fugazza And Serena Croci. Among the associations present also PAL Legnano (Animal Protection of Legnano) which, as per tradition, organized a parade with some furry friends looking for a home. «The hope we have – said the PAL volunteer Silvia Valsecchi – is always to find him a home, a family and above all lots of love.”

Also present at the event was the councilor for the inclusive community with responsibility for animals Ilaria Maffei. «Do this type of activity – said the councilor Ilaria Maffei – it is important to bring animal owners together and teach them some rules to try to make coexistence between animals and the rest of the city more and more pleasant. Here in the area we will open a new dog area, because it is right that there are designated spaces to be able to leave dogs free to move but in safety with fenced areas”.

Raising awareness and informing about the importance of helping our furry friends is important and the Lions Guide Dogs association has taken care of it by explaining to the public the support that the guide dogs they give daily to people in difficulty and also telling the story training course which involves them already as puppies. «The guide dog must remain calm and calm, – he explained Cesare Pozzi of the Lions Guide Dogs Association – tests are carried out from the early stages of the dog’s life to evaluate its behavior and if all goes well the first stages of training begin in the first year of age. The actual training lasts 6-8 months but first there are educational phasessubsequently the dog will be assigned to a blind person.”

The Pari e Dispari association is also present at the Center with a stand. Furthermore, the little ones were able to draw their favorite dog in a dedicated area. Three of the drawings were awarded in collaboration with the CAG of Mazzafame. At the end of this splendid day of sun and fun, there was a nice and tasty gift for our furry friends.

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