weather warning for thunderstorms

Ancona, 2 June 2024 – Bad weather, weather warning in Marche for the temporal scheduled for tomorrow 3 June, especially in the hilly and coastal areas both in the northern and southern areas. This is a yellow alert. We therefore have to wait a little longer for the arrival of summer heat and sunny days.

Thunderstorms in the Marche region, a weather warning has been issued for June 3rd (generic photo)

Already today, Sunday 2 June, isolated showers have been recorded, especially until late afternoon in the northern sector, according to the forecasts the phenomenon should intensify and extend to the rest of the territory during the night. “In the first part of tomorrow 3 June and for the early afternoon – we read on the weather alert issued by the Civil protection of the Marche -, the transit of a depression at high altitude will favor the onset of showers or thunderstorms scattered. THE more intense phenomena are provided in the part low hilly and coastal areas of the regionzones 2, 4 and 6 (Northern, central and southern hilly and coastal areas, ed.) and, in particular, in zones 2 and 4 ((Northern, central hilly and coastal areas, ed.) the major phenomena are expected during the night and until the early morning, while in zone 6 (Southern hilly and coastal areas, ed.) the most intense phenomena are expected for the early afternoon.

The more intense rainfallof a thunderstorm nature, according to the bulletin ofAmapare expected in the morning on central-southern sector of the region; residual phenomena and diminish towards Ascoli in the afternoon.

The forecast for Tuesday 4 June

Instability is also expected for Tuesday: clear skies or little clouds in the morning with showers afternoon on the central hilly area and thunderstorms in the northernmost area. “Clear or slightly cloudy skies in the morning according to the Amap forecast -; thermo-convective coverage extending over the Apennines in the afternoon then further dissolution. Afternoon rainfallof a scattered nature, mainly affecting the internal areas without excluding possible encroachments towards the northern coasts. Temperatures: maximums recovering”.

What will the weather be like in the Marche?

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