June 2nd in Rimini, the great ceremony in Piazza Cavour and the seven awards given: here’s to whom

In Rimini a double celebration, the one celebrating the Republic, divided into events that took place over the two days of 1 and 2 June.

With the evocative scenery between the Prefecture – Territorial Government Office and the Cathedral, yesterday evening the Mondaino Young Orchestra enchanted those present with an appreciated concert directed by Maestro Michele Chiaretti.

Among the packed audience, open to citizens who fully supported, also Bishop Nicolò Anselmi, the President of the Regional Legislative Assembly Emma Petitti, the President of the Province and Mayor Jamil Sadegholvaad, the Hon. Andrea Gnassi, the Regional Councilor Nadia Rossi, the Deputy Prosecutor Paola Bonetti (representing the Public Prosecutor of Rimini) and other authorities.

The Prefect Rosa Maria Padovano greeted all those present with a speech that drew attention to a series of historical connections inherent to Republic Day and the issues related to it that are still relevant today: “The dynamics of demographic change and the restructuring of welfare systems, migratory movements on a global scale, globalization, international competition, technological progress and its repercussions on the labor market and private life are all phenomena that have undergone a acceleration and to which companies like ours have had to quickly adapt”.

“Celebrating a holiday like that of the birth of the Republic – continues the Prefect – it means acquiring energy and resources from historical reflection on the ability to make a war-ravaged Italy re-emerge stronger, in the awareness of being able to formulate complex projects even today, despite being subjected to formidable pressures deriving from phenomena that move on a planetary scale. and long-term visions”.

“The inter-institutional collaboration, the public offices, the police forces represented here, the local authorities with many mayors present today who guide them, the commitment and social participation of the numerous voluntary associations that animate the Rimini area, the activity assiduous and responsible of the trade associations, the attention and stimulus of the workers’ representatives, constitute for this territory, all together and each for its own part, an enormous social capital not to be squandered”he commented.

During the evening the Prefect also presented seven honors of the Order “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana” granted by the President of the Republic.

In this case: the Police Commissioner Olimpia Abbate, the Brigadier of the Carabinieri Stefano Caldato, the Vice Prefect Immacolata Delle Curti, the Lieutenant Colonel Luigi Cavaliere and the Colonel Pietro Lerose, both from the Air Force, the former Air Force airman Enzo Bellagamba, the Director of MyO Michele Chiaretti.

This morning (Sunday 2 June) the traditional ceremony in Piazza Cavour with the review by the Prefect of the Picket in Arms (in attendance were members of all the Armed Forces), the State Corps and the Combatant and Armed Forces Associations.

June 2nd in Rimini, the great ceremony in Piazza Cavour and the seven awards given: here's to whom
Manuel Migliorini archive / Adriapress.
June 2nd in Rimini, the great ceremony in Piazza Cavour and the seven awards given: here's to whom
© Manuel Migliorini / Adriapress.

On the occasion, as per consolidated tradition, the Prefect read the Message from the President of the Republic to the Prefects.

In closing, an essay edited by the Provincial Fire Brigade Command.

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