“Young people and volunteering for the Negro and Marenco candidates” – Sanremonews.it

“Young people and volunteering for the Negro and Marenco candidates” – Sanremonews.it
“Young people and volunteering for the Negro and Marenco candidates” – Sanremonews.it

Anima candidates Giovanna Negro and Alessandro Marenco met some of their voters-supporters to present them the reasons for their candidacy. They decided to do so in the presence of the mayoral candidate of the civic coalition for Sanremo, Alessandro Mager.

“My profession as a teacher for 40 years – declared Giovanna Negro – has taught me to understand the problems and development of young people, I have always tried to make them actively participate in the city context to make them aware of the city’s traditions and have relationships of trust with the institutions, strengthen friendship, collaboration, solidarity and respect towards the elderly and disabled. I would like to continue working in this field. I would also like to help improve existing school buildings and those under construction and address the drama of school dropouts. Sanremo is the city where I was born and I feel I can make a concrete contribution to its improvement.”

“I am running for Anima in support of Alessandro Mager – explained Alessandro Marenco – because I am convinced that he is an extremely reliable, serious and competent person. I have always considered it necessary to commit myself personally to the things I believe in, especially in the sectors me more similar, in terms of culture and the third sector. In the same way I feel like approaching political commitment as a service to the community, with the intention of pursuing the common good”.

“As a candidate for Mayor – stated Alessandro Mager – I am very proud to have Giovanna Negro and Alessandro Marenco among the 96 candidates on my 4 lists. In their personal and professional journey they have demonstrated that they know how to behave seriously, with great availability towards others. They are people with a lot of administrative experience and extremely active. During the electoral campaign they were always among the most present, with great generosity.”


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