2 June, Mattarella to prefects: guarantee the right to demonstrate

Rome, 1 June. (askanews) – “The Prefects are called in the provincial territories to be, every day, a pivot of unity and social cohesion, embodying, in the delicate areas entrusted to them, the mission of tireless ‘operators of the Constitution’, working for the common good. It is an action that, together with the other institutions and the various expressions of civil society, the Prefects carry out in the search for the general interest and to find adequate solutions to the problems of the communities, in a phase made even more difficult by the harsh international context” . Thus the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who, on the occasion of the Republic Day anniversary, sent a message to the Prefects of Italy “so that – we read in a note – they act as interpreters in the initiatives promoted at local level” .

“From the spaces of mediation for the protection of employment and for overcoming social conflicts, to the care, with local administrations, of the weakest sections of the population, to effective paths for the reception and integration of migrants, it is a work precious for the unity of the country and its cohesion. It applies to the protection of citizens’ freedoms in carrying out daily life, for the development of effective security frameworks, highlighted the Head of State.

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