Sanremo: The American experience of 17 year old Simone Tommasini

An experience that will be carried forever in the heart, the one made by Simone, son of Sergio Tommasini and Nicoletta Di Norscia. Eighteen years old in October, Simone Tommasini graduated from North Broward Preparatory School in Florida, in front of his very excited parents.

How did the idea of ​​spending a year in America come about?

«I owe everything to the advice of my father and mother. Thanks to them and the You Abroad agency, I made the decision to spend a school year in the United States, a decision that proved fundamental for my personal and academic growth.»

What were the biggest difficulties you had to face?

«First of all the language. It wasn’t easy at first to make myself understood and then missing my parents and above all my friends.»

How did you overcome them?

«The language was little by little no longer a problem and friends managed to make me there too and now I miss them. I was lucky enough to have a Brazilian roommate and quickly make friends with a Japanese guy. Furthermore, I met some Italian students with whom I became very good friends. The relationship between us international students has gone beyond friendship; we have become a real family, offering mutual support in difficult times.»

You attended the fourth year which corresponds to our fifth year. So now you are officially “graduated” and can access American universities. Do you already have some ideas about your near future?

«I will certainly return to the United States in August. I will go to New York to Pace University – Pathway Bridge Program (business school and academic English) where courses are held to improve my English and which above all will give me the opportunity to better understand what I want to do in the future.»

Let’s go back to “college”. What differences are there between American and Italian schools?

«Here in Italy we study much more through books. In America we use the internet a lot, we do a lot of research. Even the study of history, for example, is different. The teachers gave us themes and we, via the internet, had to develop the topic. It’s a much more practical study system.”

How did you spend your days?

«I went to school until 3.36pm (or 2.36pm) and then I did swimming in the first term. In the last two terms, however, I was not admitted to the swimming course and therefore I studied, or played football with my friends and in the evening I went out with the boys I met.»

What did this American experience leave you with?

«This experience changed me considerably. I feel more mature and aware of my abilities. I have learned that taking on responsibilities is an integral part of the growth path and that tackling these tasks with serenity and determination is fundamental for personal and academic success. I now have a clear vision of the path I want to take in life and my desire to travel and discover the world and other cultures has strengthened further.

On May 17th I graduated, a milestone that represents an important personal achievement. Overcoming the challenges and difficulties of living in a new and unfamiliar environment has increased my self-esteem. I have proven to myself that I am able to face challenges and successfully adapt to new situations, becoming more mature and aware.

What may have previously seemed normal or obvious I now see with different eyes, with greater awareness and understanding. The experiences I have had in recent months have been a journey of self-discovery that have made me stronger. I understood that distance strengthens true relationships and that family is a point of reference that will always be there.

I wouldn’t change anything about this experience because every moment was unique. I feel ready to face new challenges and chase my dreams with determination.»

Is there anyone you need to say “Thank you” to?

«To my parents first and foremost. And then I would like to thank the Director Dr. Beatrice Pramaggiore, the Vice Principal Mario Scavello, Prof. Priscilla Cerzosimo of the Liceo Amoretti and all the teachers of the 4C socio-economic address of Sanremo for their support in this unforgettable experience.»

Simona Maccaferri

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