Development and cohesion funds (FSC), the rejection of the CGIL Sicilia: “No strategy to overcome the gaps with the rest of the country”. – BlogSicilia

Development and cohesion funds (FSC), the rejection of the CGIL Sicilia: “No strategy to overcome the gaps with the rest of the country”. – BlogSicilia
Development and cohesion funds (FSC), the rejection of the CGIL Sicilia: “No strategy to overcome the gaps with the rest of the country”. – BlogSicilia
Palermo 27 May 2024 – The merit analysis of the CGIL Sicilia is critical in view of the signing of the agreement between the national and regional governments on the programming of the resources of the Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) destined for the island.

The appointment is on Monday at 4pm at the Teatro Massimo, where the President of the Region Schifani awaits Prime Minister Meloni and Minister Fitto for the signature.

“From the plan that the regional council hesitated and which Prime Minister Meloni will sign on Monday, no concrete strategy for overcoming the gap between Sicily and the rest of the country can be seen – declare Alfio Mannino, general secretary of Cgil Sicilia and Francesco Lucchesi member of the regional secretariat with responsibility for the Structural Funds – These resources, together with the European Structural Funds, should have instead been the main financial instrument through which to implement targeted policies for the development of social, economic and territorial cohesion and to remove existing imbalances”.

Although the unions have repeatedly asked for a discussion on the use of the 6.8 billion euros, net of the 1.3 billion “stolen” for Salvini’s bridge, the meeting has always been denied both to the social partners and to all the economic and social partnership.

“We note instead that numerous interventions have also been envisaged, fragmented into many small streams, useful only to provide comfort to some regional and national deputies – add Mannino and Lucchesi – And instead there is a total lack of strategic infrastructure investments for innovation and digitalisation, which should rather have served to strengthen our productive and social apparatus. It is clear that they want to abandon Sicily to its fate, once again wasting enormous public resources.”

From the regional decree, according to the managers of the CGIL Sicilia, emerges a fragmentation of resources and a reproduction of old projects not completed in the past, as they are now outside the times foreseen by the old programming.

“No resources are foreseen for local medicine, for example, and the resources in the infrastructural field are insufficient – ​​Mannino and Lucchesi again denounce – Only 251 million are allocated for the Palermo-Messina-Catania motorway network, managed by the Cas, when the same consortium states that at least 3 billion euros are needed to make the road infrastructure safe. Furthermore, the establishment of a steering and supervisory committee for transparency is envisaged, in which the social partners are not involved, in spite of transparency”.

“Not to mention the times in which the agreement is signed which smack of an electoral advert – continue the two CGIL Sicilia secretaries – In the entire plan it clearly emerges how the choices have a purely clientelistic nature on the part of the national government. These are choices that pass over the heads of the Region, forced to nod on this as well as on many other important choices of the Meloni government which concern differentiated autonomy, single SEZ, political reform on cohesion, just to give a few examples. A bystander regional policy with respect to an approach determined from above, with a regional government acting as a vassal of the powerful”.

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