European elections, Giorgia Meloni’s challenge: “The radical chic will not decide”

European elections, Giorgia Meloni’s challenge: “The radical chic will not decide”
European elections, Giorgia Meloni’s challenge: “The radical chic will not decide”

On TV on Rai, in video on La7: Giorgia Meloni puts on her election campaign helmet and aims against “radical chic salons”. in Europe he is closed to “rainbow alliances” but not to the far right (“I don’t give license to be unpresentable”) and to those who tie his future to the premiership he replies: if the referendum doesn’t pass “who cares, the Italians will judge me after my 5 years ». And with Elly Schlein the clash over cuts to the Municipalities ignites. «She IS the queen of austerity», attacks the Democratic secretary. After the sarcastic outing on Telemeloni, the prime minister does not abandon the over-the-top language, even in a video released by La7 for the self-managed spaces of the electoral campaign: «Dear viewers of La7 – she begins – It’s been a while since we you see but I hope to find you heartened by the averted danger of the authoritarian drift, the collapse of the economy and the isolation of Italy at an international level. While many discussed these ghosts, we worked tirelessly to improve Italy’s conditions.” «We are not satisfied – he continues – because there is still a lot to do, but in the meantime you can say whether you think these results are appreciable. Because on 9 and 9 June it is not the radical chic salons that are speaking, but the people.” A message which according to La 7 host Corrado Formigli «mocks and insults millions of Italians who watch our network. The prime minister of half the country who declares war on the other half.” The video is released while the dem secretary begins to speak in Follonica for an electoral meeting, making the idea of ​​a remote clash plastic, after the confrontation on TV has faded. «The other day – says Schlein-Meloni from Madrid, surrounded by nationalists, friends of Franco and nostalgics of Franco’s dictatorship, you attacked the left by saying that we want to erase identity, one day you will explain to us what that means. We are proud of our identity, which is anti-fascist, like our Constitution, I wish you could say the same thing.”

From Monica Maggioni on Rai 3, before a cycle of interviews with the rules set for the European elections, Meloni speaks as prime minister – about support for Ukraine, NATO and the Middle East – and as a candidate. “This alarming narrative according to which Europe is on the brink of a wider conflict is counterproductive,” she remarks, but at the same time she freezes NATO Secretary Stoltenberg’s proposal on Russian military objectives: “We need to be very cautious.” Then internal politics. «The idea of ​​the referendum doesn’t scare me and I don’t consider it and will never consider it as a referendum on me. This is not a referendum on Italy’s present but on Italy’s future.” Her “make or break” utterance in Trento had been interpreted by some as a bet. Instead, the prime minister now clarifies: «It was because they asked me if it could be dangerous, bring me problems if the reform doesn’t pass… who cares, if it doesn’t pass it’s because the Italians won’t have shared it. I will reach the end of my 5 years and there I will ask the Italians to be judged.” Two weeks before the vote, she does not take a position on Giovanni Toti’s resignation: «Only he can give a complete answer, only he knows the truth. I know him as a person who cares about his Region, and I think he is able to evaluate what is best for the citizens.” And you talk about future alliances in Europe. The far right? «I’m not used to giving certificates of presentability – she replies Meloni – maybe because they were given to me for a lifetime. These things are decided by the citizens. My goal is to build a different, center-right majority, sending the left into opposition in Europe too. I think that rainbow majorities only produce downward compromises.”

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