Students of the “Da Vinci-Nitti” linguistic high school in Potenza rediscover historical figures from Potenza and Lucania belonging to the female world, erased from history because they were women. The project

Students of the “Da Vinci-Nitti” linguistic high school in Potenza rediscover historical figures from Potenza and Lucania belonging to the female world, erased from history because they were women. The project
Students of the “Da Vinci-Nitti” linguistic high school in Potenza rediscover historical figures from Potenza and Lucania belonging to the female world, erased from history because they were women. The project

Have you ever met women who were denied great merit?

The “The other half of the earth” project (carried out by students of the 3DL class of the Da Vinci-Nitti linguistic high school) focuses on rediscovery and reevaluation of historical figures from Potenza and Lucania belonging to the female world, erased from history because they were women.

The The final event of the project will be held on May 29th from 8.30am in the “Da Vinci-Nitti” linguistic high school in Potenza in which the students of the 3DL class, the school director and the administrators of the “The other half of the Earth” project will participate.

The Equality Councilor of the Province of Potenza, Simona Bonito, will be present.

The students for 4 months they studied 8 figures of women linked to Lucanian history, highlighting their unrecognized achievements or their dramatic and significant events.

The 8 figures are:

Filomena Nitti, chemist and scientist, from whom the Nobel Prize was “stolen”.

– Maria Andrianithe first photographer active in Potenza.

Isabella and Maria Giuseppa Tortorellivictims of the textile factory fire in New York.

Bruna Dradiwho joined the partisan army at just 17 years old and founded the women’s movement in Basilicata.

Teresa Mottaa librarian who allowed the meeting of anti-fascist prisoners in the library where she worked, putting her own life at risk.

Giulia Solomitathe first bus driver in the south, who fought against the judgments and prejudices of her fellow villagers to be able to practice her profession.

– Rosa Marchesiellothe first woman from Potenza to graduate in pharmacy.

The purpose of this event is to remember the results achieved by these women, so close to our reality, and not to let their memory be lost a second time: for this reason it will be proposed to name an area of ​​Potenza after two of these women, whose names will be revealed during the meeting.

In this way, young people and the entire community of Potenza could get closer to these figures and all the stories that our land hides.

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