WOMEN’S PLAY-OFFS B – Salerno makes no mistakes and knocks out Perugia

WOMEN’S PLAY-OFFS B – Salerno makes no mistakes and knocks out Perugia
WOMEN’S PLAY-OFFS B – Salerno makes no mistakes and knocks out Perugia

In front of 300 at the PalaSilvestri-Itsvil Arena, Sirio Salerno ’92 wins the first leg of the women’s B national playoff semi-final against Sisas Perugia. It ends 71-55 at the end of a hard-fought match which could have reserved a greater lead towards the end, when, however, fatigue also set in. The return match in the Umbrian city is scheduled for Saturday 1 June at PalaPellini: in the event of a tie in victories, the difference in goals will decide who qualifies for the final with A2 up for grabs. Salerno will start from the lead of +16.

The match. First break 6-0 Salerno in a couple of minutes, then Pollini with two triples for the tie. Salerno sprints with the physicality of Silatsa and the surgical precision of Oliveira, the Umbrians remain in contact: +4 for the bells at 3:30″ from the first break. Timeout called by coach Visnjic at 14-10, very physical match. Ok defense for the grenadines, who close the first quarter at 18-12. We resume with Salerno on fire, immediately at +10. Scala and Takrou’s impact on the match is important. The former Ancona player takes center stage in the middle of the period and anticipates everyone, transforming the action from defensive to offensive for 32-16. Valerio and De Mitri on point, especially in the non-possession phase. Orchi gives the former Cragnolino a hard time, forcing her to apply herself from long range. He scores two, then replies on the other front with Oliveira, a director of absolute depth. Beautiful match, grim defense: Salerno flies to +18, then again Argentina and Parolai gnaw on something and we go to halftime at 43-29. In the third quarter no one scored for almost three turns of the clock. Unblocks Oliveira on the counterattack for Salerno who benefits from an irrepressible Silatsa (30 final points, top scorer) and a top defense. Visnjic’s team was also clearer from the line and managed not to lose ground after half an hour (57-41). High intensity, even a hint of tiredness sets in for the two teams. Sirio still at +20 with Silatsa 7′ from the end (61-41). After two minutes Scala goes out, fifth foul. Salerno loses clarity and some balls are too naive in attack, precluding the possibility of an important extension even with a good defense. However, it ends 71-55, a good margin to face the return match with awareness of one’s means.

Coach Njegos Visnjic’s comment at the end of the match: “On more than one occasion we were in too much of a hurry, we were a little out of rhythm but that’s okay, we had to start the car after twenty-three days of stopping. In Perugia we want to close the series in our favor. We don’t care much about the advantage, we showed that even by not playing at our usual pace we managed to bring home the result. We still have a week of work and we will see how to improve. I can only hug all the girls and understand if there were any bad moments. Congratulations also to Perugia who made life difficult for us by focusing the match on physicality. We have the best offense and the best defense in the league. On the return leg we will try to win, we will go there without fear.”

SIRIO SALERNO ’92-SISAS PERUGIA 71-55 (18-12; 43-29; 57-41)

SALERNO: Oliveira 23, Valerio 2, Orchi 7, Scala, De Mitri 8, Tagliaferri ne, Esposito ne, D’Amico ne, Takrou 3, Virgilio ne, Silatsa 30, Sculpulini. Coach: Visnjic.

PERUGIA: Parolai 7, Bartholomew 9, Olajide 2, Soli 6, Pollini 8, Aquinardi, Cragnolino 13, Falkowska 10, Cernicchi ne, Manganiello, Vescovi ne. Coach: Seats.

Referees: Lillo-Morra

NOTE. Scala and Valerio were released for 5 fouls.

Salerno, 25/5/2024

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