“A delegated councilor and an advisor to the Mayor in each hamlet”, Daneri’s proposal

“A delegated councilor and an advisor to the Mayor in each hamlet”, Daneri’s proposal
“A delegated councilor and an advisor to the Mayor in each hamlet”, Daneri’s proposal

“Create a working group for each hamlet, made up of subjects present in the area – clubs, parishes, sports clubs, voluntary associations and others – and the municipal administration with a delegated councilor and the Mayor’s area councillor”. It is the proposal of Prato deserves itthe list supported by Action, Italia Viva, Libdem and Psi to pay attention to fractions.

“This new work tool should prioritize priorities and plan the necessary interventions – explains the mayoral candidate of ‘Prato deserves’ Mario Daneri -. So that bringing the hamlets to the center is not just a nice slogan but a real program as we want it to be: we need to have a vision for the future of these areas, a project that those who have administered so far have not had”.

The mayor’s area councilor, a fiduciary and unpaid position, should have “the task of collecting all the information necessary to give life to a legislative program that with lasting and far-sighted interventions so as to combat environmental, social and economic inequalities that in recent years , on the contrary, they have increased”, says Daneri again.

The priority must go to redevelopment, to the creation of spaces for social and cultural activities, meeting places, public gardens. “I believe that they are at the same time sentinels of the territory and help legality and safety”, concludes Daneri.

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