In Rimini national event “Italy in the field against homolesbobitransphobia AWARDS 2024” by Arcigay

Rimini was the protagonist of the meeting of the Arcigay Nazionale sports group and of the commission made up of all the LGBTQI+ sports teams in Italy which will award the prize for the different categories that have shown themselves to overcome the discriminatory phenomena in sport in Italy. The categories are: Athlete, Sports Club, Fans, Sports Journalist, Outdoor, Social Report of sports clubs. Among the various candidates were the Cagliari football team for the purchase of Jakub Jankto, an openly gay footballer, Milan for the third shirt with the colors of inclusiveness, Tardelli for his declarations in favor of the coming out of Serie A footballers.

We strongly believe that together with families and schools, sport is the social area where a person is trained not only to respect but above all to value differences, which are sought and valued – declares Marco Arlati, national manager of Arcigay Sport –. We thank CONI Lombardia and AICS very much for joining and supporting this initiative”.

The choice of Rimini and Community 27 to host the meeting and the tournament is due to the birth of the Arcigay Rimini LGBTQI+ volleyball team, the ¨Sea Unicorns¨, the first LGBTQI+ volleyball team in Romagna which on this important occasion organized an afternoon beach volleyball tournament, just a taste of the national “Rimini Rainbow Cup” beach volleyball tournament which will take place on August 31st.

¨It is a great honor and recognition of the work we have been carrying out for many years with the LGBTQI+ initiatives and Rimini Summer Pride. We are a community that is growing and is increasingly committed to the visibility of issues related to the respect and valorization of LGBTQI+ people on all fronts, including sport¨, declares Marco Tonti president of Arcigay Rimini.

The event was greeted by the councilor for culture and sport of the Municipality of RImini, Michele Lari. It is a great pleasure to be here with you, we are honoredi that Rimini was chosen for this Arcigay initiative of national importance. It is important to affirm the values ​​of equality and respect in sport and through culture, we will always be there for this and will always give our support to these initiatives¨, declared the councilor.

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