Soliera was entrusted with the work for the Territorio cycle path plan

Soliera was entrusted with the work for the Territorio cycle path plan
Soliera was entrusted with the work for the Territorio cycle path plan

The Municipality of Soliera has entrusted the Cires Consortium with the works for the implementation of the municipal network of cycle paths for both the urban and extra-urban sections that will connect Soliera with both Carpi and Modena. “Within the mobility and road projects linked to “Soliera Che Cambia” – warns the Municipality of Soliera in a note -, together with the construction site of the new Ponte dell’Uccellino, the project of the transport network acquires particular importance urban and extra-urban municipal cycle routes to connect the capital to the hamlets and municipalities of Carpi and Modena, with a view to integrated routes for gentle mobility that is functional for both home-work and free time”.

The works, according to what the Municipality communicates, will start in the next few months and will have an execution time of 365 days: they involve the creation of a further 15 kilometers of cycle paths which will double the current network, bringing it to 30 kilometres. 40 percent of the new routes will be on dirt roads and the project – which in its preliminary phase had raised some doubts on the part of some residents of the streets involved – which will connect Soliera with Limidi and Sozzigalli, provides for the safety of crossings and country roads, without any expropriation.

“The streets involved – lists the Municipality of Soliera – are the provincial Carpi-Ravarino, via Archimede, via Limidi, via Vaccheria, via Grandi, via Roma, via Canale, via Grossa Testa, via Santa Maria, via Trivio, via Pescarola, via Serrasina, via Murazzuoli, via Imperiale, via Sabbioni, via Ponte Rotto and via Roncaglia The entire project process was characterized by constant discussion with the farmers’ trade associations, with the Land Reclamation and Phytosanitary Consortia, as well as with the Province of Modena for the sections involving the Carpi-Ravarino”. In total, the cycle path project of the Municipality of Soliera foresees a total expenditure of 860 thousand euros, of which 630 thousand come from Atus funds, “Urban transformative agendas for sustainable development” and the remaining 230 thousand covered by municipal resources.

(In the photos: the project of the connections envisaged by the plan and an image of a currently viable cycle path)

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