Agrigento Airport, the appeal of the Order of Architects

Rino La Mendola

The president of the Order of Architects of Agrigento, Rino La Mendola, relaunches an appeal to the entire Agrigento delegation, so that the opinion of Enac, the National Civil Aviation Authority, for the construction of an airport in service of central – southern Sicily, for which there is already a feasibility and economic sustainability study drawn up by the Province of Agrigento, and which plans the airport in the Licata Plain with a total investment of 115 million euros, in line with the forecasts of the National Airport Plan, i.e. that Agrigento and Birgi are linked to Punta Raisi for western Sicily, and Comiso to Catania for eastern Sicily. “This – underlines La Mendola – would overcome any tensions due to territorial competition, also allowing a notable reduction in management costs and a more careful and organic planning of flights in relation to the needs of the Sicilian territory”.

Previous articleAgrigento, an exhibition dedicated to Franco Fasulo opens

Angelo Ruoppolo

Professional journalist, from Agrigento. In February 1999 he made his television debut with Teleacras. Since 24 April 2012 he has been the editor in chief of the Agrigento broadcaster’s news. Angelo Ruoppolo has been a guest on numerous national radio and television windows. Just to name a few: Trio Medusa on Radio DeeJay, La vita in diretta on Rai 1, Rai 3 for Blob Best, Rai 1 with Tutti massimo per la tele, Barbareschi shock on La 7, Rai Radio 2 with Le colonna d’Ercole, with Radio DeeJay for Ciao Belli, on Rai 3 with Mi manda Rai 3, with Rai 2 in Coast to coast, with Rai 2 in Gli sbandati, again with Rai 2 in Viaggio nell’Italia del Giro, with Striscia la notizia on Canale 5 , with Radio 105 in the Radio 105 Zoo and Rebus on Rai 3. He was present and mentioned several times on the home pages of the Repubblica and Live Sicilia websites. Ruoppolo’s lookalike, Angelo Joppolo, alias Alessandro Pappacoda, was the protagonist of the successful and popular column “Camera Zhen”, broadcast on Teleacras, and of the Christmas film “Scratch and Run”, with a very crowded “premiere” at the Cine Astor of Agrigento. His videos on YouTube have almost 30 million total views as of June 2023. He was awarded several prizes including: “Sipario d’Oro”, “Alessio Di Giovanni”, “Mimosa d’Oro”, “Pippo Montalbano”. Email address: [email protected]

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