Astronaut Nespoli rewards the students of Varese. «In space you feel free»

In the center foreground with the Paolo Nespoli blue jacket

VARESE – A exceptional testimonials awarded the 30 students of Ferraris scientific high school of Varese who carried out a PCTO (former school-work alternation) at theAero Club Adele Orsi. This morning, Saturday 25 May, del Pesce was there at the Volo a Vela di Calcinate Paolo Nespoli, former ESA astronaut and protagonist of three space missions. He brought his fascinating story to the boys.

An astronaut on stage

«It’s a pleasure to be here and return to flying even if a little lowerfor a moment of liberation and to look at the world differently – he said upon his arrival in Calcinate – and it is nice to see kids learning, they study and are engrossed in this activity.” He gave his advice to those who want to become an astronaut: «You need to have passion, you need to work hard and overcome obstacles and always aim ahead. Even impossible things can be done if there is stubbornness. Keep flying: it starts like this, little by little.” Then a memory of how his passion was born. «Today, kids want to become influencers or chefswhen I was little there was the man on the moon challenge: all the children wanted to become astronauts. I wanted to go to the Moon and do drifting with the moon jeep but I didn’t succeed. But just getting to space was a lot.” Nespoli spent 313 days in space, an experience that changed his life. «When you get to space and no longer feel the force of gravity you feel free and capable of doing such incredible things. And then you feel that you’re not up to have fun, but that your time is taken up for everyone, and it’s a very nice feeling.”

The pilots of tomorrow

The PCTO entitled “Progetto Volo” involved 30 young people from the three-year course of the Ferraris of Varese, who carried out in February one week of training at the Acao with theoretical and practical lessons before the first flight. The path, in collaboration with the local school office, was a real one mini-course for pilots. The children learned notions of physics, mechanics, meteorology, including the use of parachutes, remaining fascinated by what they learned in the classroom. They then performed two verification tests which led to an initial evaluation. Then lots of practice in the field: the kids learned how to arm the glider, how to communicate via radio, how to fold a parachute, how to maintain a tow aircraft. All this before arriving at the big appointment: glider flight. The students were always in contact with Acao members: some young people who have undertaken careers as airline pilots, mechanics and instructors who have often turned their passion into their professional life. For the boys there was the possibility of being able to fly or even drive a glider. “The sensations you feel when you have control of an aircraft without an engine are indescribable,” said the student Federica Masottione of the two winners, together with Giulio Sciacca. They are the two winners of the Flight Project who will be able to carry out 5 glider training flight missions. «The children showed a serious interest and was supported by a scientific experience», commented the director of the Territorial School Office Giuseppe Carcanopresent in the front row together with the school director Marco Zago and some authorities including the prefect of Varese Salvatore Pasquariello. The experience of the PCTO has been told in a video made by the same guys.

Electric gliders in September

On this occasion, the upcoming international events scheduled at the Adele Orsi Aero Club. One of the nine Qualifiers will take place at Calcinate del Pesce airport from 1st to 8th June Sailplane Grand Prix of the XII series, a competition reserved for 18 meter gliders and in which the best gliders on the international scene will take part. With its head-to-head racing format, the SGP creates exciting battles between skilled glider pilots, captivating participants and spectators. The sixth international edition dedicated to athletes will be held in September gliders with electric propulsionL’And Glide. Unlike normal gliding competitions with simultaneous starts, a certain amount of (electrical) energy can be used to avoid landings or to increase the average speed on the assigned courses. Whoever crosses the finish line first will win the day. At Eglide’s last event in 2021, right in Varese, the competitors started to develop new strategies. It will be fascinating to see their evolution. Training will be held from 5 to 7 September, while the competition will begin on 8 September.

nespoli astronaut students from Varese – MALPENSA24

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