Appeal from 11 mayors to the Region: “Novara-Varallo, reopening among the priorities”

Appeal from 11 mayors to the Region: “Novara-Varallo, reopening among the priorities”
Appeal from 11 mayors to the Region: “Novara-Varallo, reopening among the priorities”

This time the Novara and Valsesian mayors of the localities on the Novara-Varallo line are serious, and claim that the reopening of the route is one of the first issues to be dealt with by the next regional administration. For this reason, eleven first citizens signed a document and sent it to President Alberto Cirio: eight are from Novara (Grignasco, Prato Sesia, Romagnano, Ghemme, Sizzano, Fara, Briona and Novara), three from Valsesia (Borgosesia, Quarona and Varallo) , as well as the presidents of the Provinces of Novara (Binatti) and Vercelli (Gilardino). Cirio is asked for a meeting during which presidents and mayors will make the official request for the restoration of railway traffic on the line; meanwhile they list the reasons for a request that can no longer be put “on hold”. The pressure arises from the fact that this, the signatories observe, is a unique opportunity, because everything seems favorable to the reopening: «RFI is carrying out in recent weeks – the mayors write – works worth several million euros for the redevelopment of the line; Fondazione Ferrovie Storiche Italiane, as part of the “Timeless Tracks” project, has already implemented investments thanks to which 100 historic trains have already been built since 2015». And to this we add the needs of the territory, “the urgent need for the railway connection” to promote the territory from a tourist point of view and encourage the mobility of the inhabitants for work, school and the use of school and health services. The return of trains to the rails, the signatories add, would also be an important tool to curb the demographic hemorrhage that has afflicted the area for some years. Meanwhile, the historic trains have resumed their services and tickets have already been sold out; the next trip from Novara to Varallo with the steam locomotive, scheduled for tomorrow, already no longer has a place available. Those who want to savor the atmosphere of traveling on an old-fashioned train cannot even count on the 16th June trip, which is also already sold out, but must hope for some place on the 15th September train.

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