Terni: another closure in Corso Tacito. Terranova leaves

Terni: another closure in Corso Tacito. Terranova leaves
Terni: another closure in Corso Tacito. Terranova leaves

25 May 2024 07:49

Another clothing chain is abandoning Terni, in particular Corso Tacito: by the end of June the Terranova and Terranova kids stores will close, covering several hundred square meters in premises located a stone’s throw from Largo Villa Glori. This is another farewell for one of the Teddy group brands, which had already closed the Calliope store, also in Corso Tacito, in April 2022. In the case of Terranova there are seven employees at risk of redundancy, among them there are also those who have worked in the store – opened in the 1990s – for 25 years.

The dispute

«They – as explained by the general secretary of Filcams Cgil of Terni, Lucia Rossi – have currently been offered a transfer to one of the nearest sales points where there is a shortage of staff. But considering that they are in Città di Castello or Rome, it obviously becomes impossible for the workers to accept » she comments. The company, in a recent meeting with the trade unions, also referred to the possibility of a new opening in Terni, which it is evaluating. «We asked the company, if the transfer to other premises actually takes place, for a commitment to reabsorb the affected workers» explains Lucia Rossi. For now, however, they are just rumors, the only certainty is the closure, on a date that has not yet been announced but which is now announced to be close.

Critic situation

The decision to close the store was motivated by the decline in sales and turnover recorded for at least a couple of years. The fact is that the Terni trade situation – even in the medium-low price range – is now increasingly shaky, as demonstrated by the closure of the Conbipel store at the Cospea shopping center. «But alongside these larger realities – explains the Filcams secretary – there are also many other small situations of workers who are fired or resign. In short, the trade situation is increasingly complicated and adds to many other emergencies from an employment point of view.”

Terni: Conbipel closes and strike begins. «We are not numbers but people»

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