TIVOLI – Bombings of 1944, concert at the national boarding school

TIVOLI – Bombings of 1944, concert at the national boarding school
TIVOLI – Bombings of 1944, concert at the national boarding school

On Sunday 26 May at 6.00 pm in the Aula Magna of the Convitto Nazionale “Amedeo di Savoia” Duca d’Aosta in Tivoli (Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi 1) the Accademia Ergo Cantemus Orchester di Tivoli will hold the exclusive concert for wind ensemble in occasion of the 80th anniversary of the aerial bombings of 1944.

The event has the patronage of the Lazio Region, of the Metropolitan City of Rome, of AssoArma, Provincial Area of ​​Rome, in addition to the moral and historical patronage of the “Monumentalis Ecclesiae Sancti Silvestri Societas” of which President Monsignor Luigi F. Casolini of Sersale, and of the Boccadamo Foundation in the person of Commendatore Tonino Boccadamo.

Such an important event that is part of the events of the 3239th Christmas in Tivoli and in which, thanks to the availability of the Rector of the Boarding School Professor Antonio Manna, the memory of the victims of the bombings and the value of the resilience demonstrated by the people at the time will be honoured. tiburtino.

It will also be an opportunity to reflect, in this climate of danger that we live in, on the need to commit ourselves to maintaining peace and solidarity between peoples.

The concert will open with welcome greetings and an introductory speech from the President of AssoArma of the Provincial Area of ​​Rome Paolo Cicolani and Doctor Luana Frascarelli, President of the Ergo Cantemus Academy.

A space for dialogue, coordinated by the moderator and Professor Maria Buongiorno, will then be left to the “No Child Abuse Aps” Association which will make a heartfelt appeal, with the ultimate aim of raising awareness among citizens, regarding a very delicate and complex topic such as child abuse.

Together with the wind ensemble, the public will have the honor of listening to extraordinary voices such as the soprano Arianna Morelli and the white voice Sofia Paterni accompanied by Matteo Siscaro on the piano.

An event, with free entry, where everyone is invited to commemorate the tragic event of the bombings, address current social issues with seriousness and respect and listen with admiration to the extreme mastery of the Academy and the guest artists of the concert.

(Claudia Santolamazza)

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