Genoa-Bologna 2-0, Thiago Motta closes with a knockout




Home Genoa-Bologna 2-0, Thiago Motta closes with a knockout


The Ferraris match between Genoa and Bologna ends 2-0. Victory for Gilardino against Thiago Motta who bid farewell to the Bologna club with a defeat. Goals from Malinovskyi and Vitinha decide the match.

Genoa-Bologna 2-0, the lineups

GENOA (3-5-2): Wings; Citizens, Vogliacco, Vasquez; Sabelli, Thorsby, Malinovskyi, Frendrup, Martin; Gudmundsson, Vitinha. All.: Gilardino.

BOLOGNA (4-1-4-1): Ravaglia; De Silvestri, Beukema, Lucumì, Lykogiannis; Moro; Orsolini, Fabbian, El Azzouzi, Saelemaekers; Castro. All.: Motta.

The match

One goal in each half was enough for Genoa to beat Bologna 2-0 at the Ferraris. The match broke the deadlock in the 13th minute with Malinovskyi’s goal. Beautiful offensive action by Genoa. Martin’s backward cross from the left towards Malinovskyi, who finishes with the first left-footed shot: the ball hits the post and then ends up at the bottom of the bag. 1-0! In the 26th minute Bologna scored a sensational post. Cross from the right by Moro, in the penalty area there is an aerial shot by Fabbian who surprises Vogliacco but hits the woodwork to the left of Leali. At the start of the second half Bologna has three chances with Fabbian (twice) and then Orosolini. But it’s Genoa who scores again. In the 59th minute Vitinha scored the 2-0. Cross from the right by Moro, in the penalty area there is an aerial shot by Fabbian who surprises Vogliacco but hits the woodwork to the left of Leali. At the end, a double chance for Gudmundsson but he doesn’t find the goal. It ends 2-0 for Genoa.

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