In Sassari women take to the streets for the right to abortion

Feminists against the Government’s anti-abortion law decree.

Even in Sassari women come down defense of the right to abortion. On May 25th in Sassari, from 6.30 pm in Piazza Domenico Alberto Azuni, the sit-in will be held in defense of public family counseling centers and law 194/78.

The initiative is promoted by Not One Less Northern Sardinia, Movimento Omosexual Sardo, Sa Domo de Totus, CLIP, Trans Support, Amnesty International Sassari, noiDonne 2005 and Udu Sassari. The associations responded to the appeal of the National Network of counseling centers and consultancies, welcomed by the NUDM movement.

The national mobilization day was established following the approval of the amendment in the Senate, proposed by the deputy Malagola of Fratelli d’Italia to Legislative Decree 19/2024, which strengthens access to clinics by anti-abortion associations, including them in the distribution of Pnnr funds regarding the financing of local healthcare.

According to the Non Una Di Meno movement and the newly formed National Network of counseling centers and clinics, supporting access to the public counseling centers of anti-abortion associations with state funds means weakening local health facilities, born from feminist struggles, fundamental to guarantee the right to health and voluntary termination of pregnancy. Today, not only are the clinics insufficient, but they no longer perform many of the functions for which they were established. A situation from which not even Northern Sardinia is immune.

“Forty-six years later, law 194 shows all its critical issues – the feminist associations say -. In 1978, you constituted an important watershed in the history of our country, bringing about a major cultural shift regarding women’s self-determination. Yet, it was born as a compromise law, therefore imperfect and not structured enough to avoid incursions that could dismantle it, just like the Malagola decree in Legislative Decree 19/2024″.

The feminists make it known that in Sardinia the presence of anti-abortion and Pro Life and Family associations in Sardinia It’s not particularly dramatic, thanks to the careful work and constant monitoring carried out by local feminist movements. The underlying problem remains linked to the right to access care and health services, which is reduced to a minimum. The problem on the island is in fact the lack of personnel and medical-health tools, which hinders the full implementation of law 405 regarding consultants (reinvigorated and updated by law no. 34/1996 and also by the recent Ministerial Decree no. 77/ 2022), exposing patients to a greater extent to obstetric violence.

The women of Sassari will however be in the streets against the Legislative Decree 19/2024, which exacerbates the already dramatic situation in which the public counseling centers find themselves. During the demonstration in Piazza Azuni in Sassari, the testimonies collected on the people will be given voice episodes of obstetric violence in public clinics in Northern Sardinia. An opportunity to propose solutions and draw attention to the subjects who see their right to health constantly denied.

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