Digital teaching, 2 platforms presented in Cosenza

May 24, 2024 7.25pm

The seminar on digital teaching was held this morning at the palace in the province of Cosenza, which saw the presentation of two platforms, Plug & Desi, created by Morgan Srl, a leading company in the web service sector with the aim of making the participatory and inclusive school environment favoring new engaging teaching methods capable of stimulating digital skills and offering greater learning opportunities for students.

During the seminar promoted by the province of Cosenza, in collaboration with Morgan Srl, the President of the Province of Cosenza, Rosaria Succurro, spoke and underlined how important the role of the institutions is in supporting new innovative realities in a moment of profound transition of the world of school which sees the theme of interactive teaching as increasingly central.


Also via video link was Giuseppina Princi, regional vice president, who positively welcomed the idea of ​​giving teachers the opportunity, through these platforms, to work autonomously, creating lessons and teaching materials capable of strengthening student engagement, a concept also reiterated by the Professor Francesca Nardò, regional education office contact for Calabria.


Also present at the seminar was Giovanni Bilotti, UCI Cosenza Accessibility Commission, representing the world of disabilities so that digital teaching is a tool for social inclusion.


Presenting the Plug & Desi platforms were Renzo Turatto CEO of Morgan Srl and Luca Celi Technical Director. Platforms designed as a social network where teachers, students but also families and school stakeholders can interact in a single digital workspace.

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