Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro at the Trento Festival: science, young people and finance for the green transition

Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro at the Trento Festival: science, young people and finance for the green transition
Intesa Sanpaolo, Gros-Pietro at the Trento Festival: science, young people and finance for the green transition

(Teleborsa) – “Confidence in the future, and in particular in young people”, is one of the main messages expressed by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, President of Intesa Sanpaoloduring his speech at Trento Economics Festival. In the meeting dedicated to ‘The green transition and the European industrial economy’, the president shared some elements of reflection on the delicacy and complexity of the journeynecessary, to which the financial, industrial and political system are called.

“The need for rapid action is driven by the speed of biodiversity loss. In the last 50 years the world has lost 58% of its biodiversity: ‘This gives an idea of ​​what we are doing and how rapid the corrective action must be,'” Gros-Pietro highlighted.

As for solutions to the problems posed by the transitionGros-Pietro underlined the complexity and how they “must be socially tolerable, otherwise prevent them from completing them“, because “there are hundreds of millions of inhabitants in Europe and several billion in the world and the solutions “are not in the hands of a single decision maker“.

“It is very important what young people do, who urge, who make people feel that the problem is heard”, recalled Gros-Pietro, underlining that “solicitation is not enough“.

And the science – according to the President of Intesa Sanpaolo – the fundamental tool for overcoming the obstacles in this path, as “it is the our first tool to win the battles we face” and Gros-Pietro recalled investments in Intesa Sanpaolo in new technologies and startupscapable of carrying out projects “absolutely unthinkable before”.

In this scenario, he continues, “Banks can do a lot in involving governments and those above governments – for example the European Union – in the right direction”: this “because a bank has millions of customers and is therefore able to provide data, problems and possible solutions to those in able to decide”.

Finally, if the green transition requires from 500 euros to 1,000 billion per year, “Europe is capable of producing them”, however “we need to agree on how to do it” and “it is nice that this problem must be addressed by a democratic system”.

Gros-Pietro has therefore concluded his speech with a message of confidence in the futureand in young people in particular: “We at Intesa Sanpaolo we are hiring thousands of young graduates, above all, who are willing to commit themselves in these directions. The future comes from them, they will build it”. The bank has the task of offering them “an organization that is suitable for the life they want to build”.

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