Labor Consultants – President De Luca at the Trento Economics Festival

Labor Consultants – President De Luca at the Trento Economics Festival
Labor Consultants – President De Luca at the Trento Economics Festival

The President of the National Council of the Order of Labor Consultants, Rosario De Lucawill participate on May 25th at Festival of Economy in Trento, an event organized by the 24 Ore Group and Trentino Marketing, with the collaboration of the Municipality and the University of Trento. The President’s speech is expected within the panel entitled “Professional studies in shortage of young people” scheduled from 12:00 to 13:00. At the round table, moderated by Alessandro Galimbertijournalist of “Il Sole24Ore”, the President of the National Forensic Council will also participate, Francesco Grecothe President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Trento and Rovereto, Raffaella Ferraithe President of Confprofessioni, Gaetano Stella and the owner of the Martinenghi Law Firm, Gaia Martinenghi. Among the themes of the 19th edition of the Economics Festival entitled “Quo Vadis? The dilemmas of our time”, the challenge of climate change, economic development as a strategy to beat inflation, the energy transition, the demographic winter and welfare systems.

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