Iren Genova Quinto enjoyed it: victory (penalty) at De Akker

Bologna. Penalties are needed (indefinitely) but in the end Iren Genova Quinto manages to conquer the “Longo” swimming pool in Bologna and take part in game 1 of the play-off final for fifth place, beating the hosts De Akker 17-16 Team (with both teams qualifying for the next LEN Euro Cup) after regulation time ended at 11-11. The return leg, game 2, is scheduled for Saturday at 6pm at the “Marco Paganuzzi” in Albaro.

“A challenge between two teams with balanced values ​​– comments coach Luca Bittarello -. We were good at creating a small lead in the first half and not so good at defending it, we were unable to limit their many individualities, which is something we will have to do in the return leg. We fought, we suffered and in the end we won, Massaro was superb in the penalty shootout. Tomorrow we will rest, on Friday we will analyze the things to improve and we will be ready for Saturday.”

The scoreboard:
DE AKKER TEAM: S. Santini, G. Marchetti, D. Puccio 1, N. Mengoli, R. Agulha De Freitas 2, A. Grossi, S. Camilleri 4, K. Milakovic 1, T. Alfonso Pozo, S. Luongo 2, E. Cocchi, R. De Simon 1, M. Pederielli, K. Takeuchi. All. Mistrangelo
IREN GENOVA FIFTH: F. Massaro, N. Gambacciani, A. Di Somma, S. Villa 1, G. Molina Rios, R. Ravina 4, A. Fracas 3, A. Nora, O. Veklyuk, F. Panerai, G . Pianezza, J. Gambacciani 3, A. Spoli, A. Massa. All. Bacterium
Referees: Nicolosi and Zedda

Notes: Half-time: 1-4 5-3 3-3 2-1; Regular half ended 11-11. De Simon (A) left for fouls in the second half and Ravina (Q) in the fourth half. Numerical superiorities: De Akker Team 3/12 + a penalty and Iren Genova Quinto 5/12

Penalty sequence: Camilleri (A) goal, Panerai (Q) goal, Lungo (A) saved, Nora (Q) missed (crossbar), De Freitas (A) goal, Molina Rios (Q) goal, Grossi (A) goal , N. Gambacciani (Q) goal, Puccio (A) goal, J. Gambacciani (Q) goal, Camilleri (A) goal, Panerai (Q) goal, Luongo (A) saved, Nora (Q) goal.

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