Trapani, national competition “Adoption among school desks”, awarded to the 1L class of the IIS “Fardella Ximenes” • Front Page

Trapani, national competition “Adoption among school desks”, awarded to the 1L class of the IIS “Fardella Ximenes” • Front Page
Trapani, national competition “Adoption among school desks”, awarded to the 1L class of the IIS “Fardella Ximenes” • Front Page


The ninth edition of the national competition “Adoption among school desks” has ended.

«When I proposed participation in the competition, as I am an Italian teacher, I asked the students to compose a story about adoption after having done some readings on the topic. Then, I also involved the dance teachers and at this point, they all enthusiastically contributed to the work, highlighting their skills, creativity and talent. In the end, the students were very happy with the final work, the short film reveals their expressive skills well but above all it is the synthesis of study, readings, reflections on a topic little covered in school but deeply felt by the children who are always sensitive to the themes of welcome and inclusion”, said the Professor Coppola of the class 1L of the IIS “Fardella Ximenes” Liceo Coreutico of Trapani.

The initiative, launched by ItaliaAdozioni, aims to raise awareness and create culture on the topic of adoption, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices, starting from the young generations, from three to 19 years old.

The competition is in fact aimed at all classes and at all levels of schoolsstate and private, of the national territory and is divided into four categories: nursery school, primary school, lower secondary school and upper secondary school.

Born in 2014, it has seen – to date – the participation of over 13,200 students.

«The themes of inclusion, welcome, acceptance and respect for diversity concern everyone. For us, the Competition is a precious opportunity to raise awareness and share the peculiarities and values ​​that are part of the adoption process that leads to the birth of a family. This year too, the depth and beauty of the works coming from all the regions of Italy, which school groups of all levels have created, to tell and spread a better culture of adoption, have aroused enthusiasm and emotion, putting into great difficulty for those who had to give an evaluation to decide the winners”, he says Ivana Lazzarini, President of ItaliaAdozioni.

The competition awards and free workshops – The digital and paper works were evaluated by a jury made up of professionals, deliberately also made up of people not linked to the adoptive world, and in this edition 12 schools and 14 classes belonging to 9 Regions were awarded: Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany, Valle d’Aosta, Veneto.

The awards ceremony was held Sunday May 19, 2024at the AuditoriumV1 of the State University of Milan (via Venezian 15) and, for the occasion, an exhibition of all the splendid works in competition was set up.

At 5 pm all the children and young people present participated in the Laboratories organized by groups – nursery school, primary school, lower and upper secondary schools – led respectively by the Butterfly creative teachersfrom Elide Fumagallifrom Martina Folena and from Alessandra Di Consoli. A workshop on prejudice was proposed for parents, carers and teachers by Simona Camisani.

Here is the list of winners:

All the entries from the competition, which has just ended, will be shared on the dedicated Facebook page and in the playlist on the ItaliaAdozioni YouTube channel.


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