Leonardo. The Taranto Democratic Party invites Di Cuia to stimulate his Government to intervene effectively to resolve the dispute

Leonardo. The Taranto Democratic Party invites Di Cuia to stimulate his Government to intervene effectively to resolve the dispute
Leonardo. The Taranto Democratic Party invites Di Cuia to stimulate his Government to intervene effectively to resolve the dispute

Taranto – We read about the request for a hearing in the Regional Commissions IV and VI presented by the Regional Councillor Massimiliano Di Cuia regarding the case Leonardowhich is causing considerable concern to workers, unions and the entire Ionian area.
The consequences, certainly negative, from an employment point of view which could lead to the failure to resolve this dispute are evident and serious, if the production of Boeing fuselages at the Grottaglie plant were actually to be reduced. This is why Di Cuia should approach the discussion in a serious manner with reference to yet another industrial dispute, rather trying with his party to put pressure on the Government to intervene effectively to truly resolve the dispute.
It is perhaps appropriate to inform the Councilor of the fact that the Region has already been on the Leonardo issue for some time, with the interest of President Emiliano himself, of the councilor Leo and the Presidential Advisor Borraccino, with a meeting set for June 17. For this reason, Di Cuia would do well to avoid interventions that seem superfluous and late compared to work that is already underway.
It is necessary to remember once again that this is a state-owned company, and therefore for this reason Councilor Di Cuia should take care of stimulating the Government of which his party is part so that we can move with determination towards a way out that keeps workers safe and at the same time preserves the territory from a new impoverishment, perhaps through a new redistribution of work packages.
The Democratic Party, which is showing interest at all levels, from the regional to the central one through the interest of parliamentarians led by the Honorable They payinvites Di Cuia to act as an intermediary to bring to Rome yet another cry of pain from a land that continues to suffer occupational hemorrhages and the consequences of missed challenges.

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