Catanzaro. Academy of Fine Arts Competition, politics always wins

Catanzaro. Academy of Fine Arts Competition, politics always wins
Catanzaro. Academy of Fine Arts Competition, politics always wins

Catanzaro Academy of Fine Arts Competition, when the patch is worse than the hole but politics always wins

As we have already been able to explore in detail previously, the competition of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro to fill the role of administrative director started badly (with many procedural “errors-horrors” in the choice of the commission, in the failure to draw the written test, of absolute discretion on the attribution of points etc.) and, if possible, it ended up even worse.

Once cornered, the two “commanders” of the Academy, the Director Virgilio Piccari (who in the meantime has been reached by the prosecutor who has started an investigation by seizing his mobile phone for, coincidentally, another competition for technical personnel- administrative won last year, none other than by his daughter) and the President Lawyer Aldo Costa, decide to bury their atavistic hatchet and join forces to create another “magic” by mutual agreement.
We had anticipated that the position in question was already “talked about” in the city due to the participation and placement in a useful position of the former provincial councilor Paolo Mattia who had placed second and that the first, Dr. Marco Prochilo, was known to have given up.

This would have been enough, in a civilized society, to raise the antennas but what happened subsequently is even more incredible.
The final ranking, approved on 01/24/2024, saw Prochilo first, Mattia second and Francesco Santo third classified; in the following months the academy did not proceed with any call into service and, unbelievably, on 03/27/2024 (69 days after the competition) it modified the ranking by adding a point to the third place, Francesco Santo, who, thus, surpassed Mattia and comes in second place.

Santo, who coincidentally in the meantime had become politically close to the son of the lawyer Aldo Costa who was assigned a club of Brothers of Italy in Catanzaro Lido, was called immediately after Prochilo’s resignation.
In this way, Aldo Costa will be even happier because, after the imminent expiry of his role as President of the ABA, he will continue to have, within the organisation, a trusted man who is even more reliable than the least reliable ( as he is close to Forza Italia and Marco Polimeni) Paolo Mattia and the director Virgilio Piccari, in a moment of full judicial storm against him, will have fewer problems to deal with (Francesco Santo’s name is not as loud as that of the former Orovincial councilor ) and so…. they all lived happily ever after!

With politics which, by hook or by crook, always manages to bring home the result, with all due respect to all the other participants and with a landslide victory for the Brothers of Italy against the rivals and fake friends of Forza Italia.
Welcome to Catanzaro, the island that exists!

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