Conference of group leaders called at the last minute unleashes the minorities in Legnano

Conference of group leaders called at the last minute unleashes the minorities in Legnano
Conference of group leaders called at the last minute unleashes the minorities in Legnano

LEGNANO – Usual over the top confrontation between the opposing political parties in the city council last night, Thursday 23 May, in Legnano. This time it was the urgent convening of the group leaders’ conference that ignited the dust just a couple of hours before the councilas decided by the president Umberto Silvestriwhich also set a tight calendar for the next sessions, called to discuss the council’s new PGT Root. He made choices that shocked many minority councillors.

Letterio Munafò (Fi) e Francesco Toia (Toia Mayor) attacked Silvestri speaking the first of «arrogant and offensive behavior that poison relationships” while the second accused him of don’t be super partes, but to have «still the shirt with the hammer and sickle». For the League, Daniela Laffusa And Carolina Toia (in the photo above) have made the matter worse by observing respectively that «the imposed programming of the next sessions is absurd, aimed only at rapid approval of the Pgt» and asking for the resignation of the president of the chamber.

Bragato: «24,000 euros appropriate for the concert on April 25th»

Among the points discussed, the costs for the concert on April 25th at the Mazzafame community center. «Events cost money – the councilor spread his arms Guido Bragato – and, like it or not, the artistic part of the event costs less than half of the total, i.e. 8,400 euros. Excluding the expenses for the institutional ceremony in Piazza San Magno, the expense, yes, is appropriate for a an appointment that has now become traditional in the history of the Legnano municipal administration and which is a way to bring together many people on the issues of April 25th”: two thousand for Bragato, 700 “of whom almost all are not from Legnano” for Carolina Toia, co-signatory of the question on the matter.

Courses and bottles for dog owners

The approval with only the center-left votes of management report 2023 reiterated the unbridgeable distance between the choices of the council and the minorities: the former underlined, among others, the investments for social spendingwhile the opposition pointed the finger at “political contents”, such as i 5 million euros for the children’s museum, “tragic-comic expense” (Franco BrumanaCitizens’ Movement).

Regarding the removal and cleaning of dog wastean issue raised by Fdi with a motion (rejected) in the context of the promotion of urban decorum, the councilor Anna Pontani (Together for Legnano-Legnano Popolare) has shortly announced the introduction into the urban police regulation of the obligation for dog owners to bring with them, in addition to the bags for the collection of solid excrement “to be thrown only in the appropriate containers or taken home”, a bottle of water to clean liquid excrement; courses for dog owners are also being studied on how to keep animals and maintain the decorum of the city.

No to the referendum on via XXIX Maggio

The popular referendum proposed by the League on the cycle path project in via XXIX Maggio was also rejected by the majority. The councilor for public works Marco Bianchi he was keen to point out that “It is not correct to say that the administration did not want to listen to traders and residents” and that the project, still to be approved, has been modified based on the observations received from citizens and also from the city council “but always giving priority to safety”. On the proposal for a referendum, the mayor Root gave the example of ZTL in Piazza San Magno “has become a driving force in city life” but about which the majority of citizens, if asked at the time when the square was pedestrianized by the centre-right, “would have said they were not convinced of that project”.

On the proposal, put forward by the civic councilor Brumana, to introduce into the street a road instead of a cycle path (with priority in transit for bicycles and maximum speed for all vehicles of 30 km/h) Bianchi said he was favorable but with rear parking for cars in the affected sections, i.e. with reverse entry and forward exit, contrary to what happens today.

Legnano city council 25April cycle paths – MALPENSA24

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