Chiara Griffini (Diocese of Piacenza) president of the National Child Protection Service of the CEI

Chiara Griffini (Diocese of Piacenza) president of the National Child Protection Service of the CEI
Chiara Griffini (Diocese of Piacenza) president of the National Child Protection Service of the CEI

The doctor Chiara Griffini was appointed by the Italian Episcopal Conference as president of the National Service for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable People. The task was previously entrusted to the bishop of Ravenna Cervia, Monsignor Lorenzo Ghizzoni; now, after the change in the Statute which provided for the role of president to be reserved for a bishop, it has also been possible to entrust it to a lay person.

Doctor Griffini’s journey
47 years old, originally from Brembio in the province of Lodi, forensic psychologist, Chiara Griffini graduated from the Catholic University of Milan. She is currently an auxiliary at the Prosecutor’s Office of the Juvenile Court of Milan and at the Prosecutor’s Office of the Ordinary Court of Milan and Lodi and has extensive experience as a trainer of couples’ courses in the clinical setting. Expert at the Emilian Regional Ecclesiastical Tribunal, you obtained a license in the psychology of consecrated life and ordained ministry at the Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum in Rome.
In December 2023 she was included by Pope Francis among the consultants of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life.

Monsignor Cevolotto’s satisfaction
In the diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio since July 2019 he has been the contact person for the Minors Protection Service, established after the approval of the sector guidelines by the CEI.
Satisfaction was expressed by the bishop Monsignor Adriano Cevolotto, who was in Rome for the general assembly of the Italian Bishops during which the announcement of the appointment was made. “I recognize – commented Mgr. Cevolotto – the professionalism of Dr. Griffini. In recent years in the diocese we have benefited from her expertise.”

Protecting is educating
“Protecting minors and vulnerable people is not just preventing and combating something harmful, which is already important as protection of the asset in progress – Dr. Griffini wrote in September 2023 in the publication published by the weekly magazine Il Nuovo Giornale «Lo cutodì as the apple of his eye”. “Precisely because of its etymology, the verb to protect – these are always her words – involves safeguarding and promoting someone or something, therefore it is intimately connected with educating and generating. Talking then about the protection of minors and vulnerable people in the Church is promoting the relational good of teaching the good life of the Gospel.
“Protecting a minor – he added – means protecting the adult in the generative bond that he is called to establish towards those entrusted to him, so that gestures and words are not ambiguous nor restrained or held back. It is learning the art of expressing oneself in responsible care, which characterizes every educational relationship as such, that is, developing potential and talents, protecting vulnerability for the harmonious growth of both the minor and the adult in their relational responsibility, under a good gaze and in the pleasure of being close to each other with care and respect”.

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