“So Fabbri violates the law”

“To denounce the initiative to be held tomorrow (today, ed.) which consists of a clear violation of the law” asking that “the authorities in charge intervene by preventing institutional representatives who are candidates for the next administrative elections from participating in this initiative, also possibly with the help of the public force”. These are the two requests contained in the letter sent by the center-left mayoral candidate, Fabio Anselmo, to the prefecture, the police headquarters and the provincial command of the Carabinieri. The report from Fabbri’s rival contains, among other elements, Corecom’s indication on respect for equal conditions. In essence, the object of the dispute is the press conference that the administration has scheduled for this morning on the occasion of the official inauguration of Piazza Cortevecchia. The comments that the lawyer – here we can write him with greater reason – make are both in merit and in method, referring in particular to what is regulated by law 28 of 2000. “The news of the press conference – we read in the text of the letter – was published in Cronacacomune, the Municipality’s online newspaper and therefore the main means of communication towards the outside of the Public Administration, as well as on various social networks attributable to them. It is clear that this event does not represent the necessary requirements of impersonality and indispensability regulated by law , characterizing itself as a propaganda activity prohibited by law”. Not only. Anselmo also adds another aspect. “Individual subjects holding public offices – continues the text of the report – may carry out propaganda activities outside the exercise of their institutional functions, provided that for this purpose they do not use means, resources, personnel and structures assigned to public administrations for the performance of their responsibilities, in such a way as not to interfere with the exercise of the Institution’s institutional functions”. The reference to the Corecom provision clearly could not be missed which “in recent weeks has already identified as many as 17 similar violations by the Municipality due to behavior carried out by the mayor and councilors candidates for the next local elections”. Lastly, it stigmatizes the fact that “citizens continue to witness intolerable, daily and systematic violations of the laws governing electoral competition by Mayor Fabbri and a good part of his candidates”.

Federico Di Bisceglie

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