Rimini. New rules on the beach, the Captaincy to the lifeguards: “Ordinance, it cannot be changed”

Rimini. New rules on the beach, the Captaincy to the lifeguards: “Ordinance, it cannot be changed”
Rimini. New rules on the beach, the Captaincy to the lifeguards: “Ordinance, it cannot be changed”

«The ordinance is the same and will not be modified. Also because it contains general guidelines to which all beach operators in Italian seaside resorts will have to adapt.” Few words. Clear and leaving no room for doubts or double interpretations. Vincenzo Petrella, First Lieutenant and head of the external relations and communication office of the Port Authority of Rimini, in the aftermath of the observations delivered to Commander Giorgia Capozzella by the seaside trade associations and lifeguard cooperatives on the new rules for safety at sea and on the beach, clears away any misunderstandings and perplexities. «The provision was agreed with the concessionaires during two meetings, the last dated 17 May – underlines the first lieutenant -. And I repeat that we are faced with measures that will come into force on May 25th, throughout the country, not just in Rimini.” It would therefore be appropriate for dealers, in these days, to equip themselves with all the material indicated in the ordinance – from the buoys to the concrete blocks to which they are fixed, up to the information boards and oxygen cylinders – and place it on the ‘beach. «As the Captain’s Office we don’t want to put anyone in difficulty – Petrella points out – so there will be a certain flexibility in the initial checks. Let’s say moderate elasticity.” For the series: don’t take it too easy, adapt to the new swimmer safety regulations, and make sure everything is ready for the beginning of June. «As always – concludes the soldier – the lifeguards will have the full collaboration of the Port Authority».

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