in Emilia Romagna a coordination between three festivals –

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A virtuous and effective model of cooperation between festivals, unique in Emilia-Romagna: the experience of Solidthe coordination that brings together Ferrara Sotto Le Stelle, Arti Vive Festival and Acieloaperto.

Ferrara Under the Stars (2023)

The results achieved in the three-year period 2021/2023 by the network between the three prestigious Emilia-Romagna festivals, made possible by the financing of law 2/2018 of the Emilia-Romagna Region relating to the development of the music sector and thanks to the support of the Emilia-Romagna Music Commission , are excellent and encouraging: 34 concerts organised, 32 regional musical projects involved, of which 17 female, 12 digital contents created between live talks and webinars and 11 public training initiatives. An innovative, widespread and inclusive work, open to various generations and aimed at spreading a new festival culture, relaunching the active and participatory use of live music. The network was born spontaneously in the midst of the pandemic in 2020, becoming part of the various initiatives that the entertainment sector developed to respond to the major issues arising from the profound crisis in the live sector. From a temporary project it then evolved into Solido, a coordination with a clear identity and well-defined intentions. With Solido, for the first time in the Region, three important events join forces, but above all ideas and values, in a plan based on the sharing of some common objectives, in the name of digital culture, environmental sustainability, gender balance and new forms of inclusiveness, in a perspective not limited in time and space but open to future challenges, putting the construction of an innovative idea of ​​the Festival at the centre.

Acieloaperto (2023)

On the wings of this vision, 2021 was born Digital Festival, which continued in 2022: an online review of live streaming, webinars and panels on communication, artistic direction, behind-the-scenes documentaries and everything related to the world of music festivals. With the restart of the live music sector, the “Solido” experience continued with even greater vigor. Proof of this is the line-ups of the three festivals involved: also in 2024, as in previous years, Ferrara Sotto le Stelle, Arti Vive Festival and Acieloaperto continue to promote a welcoming and stimulating festival model, open to various and new sounds , audiences and generations, capable of bringing the best of the international panorama to the Region but at the same time valorising Italian artists, in particular from Emilia-Romagna. So here it is Ferrara under the stars, now in its twenty-eighth edition scheduled from 3 to 8 June in Ferrara, 8 and 9 July in Argenta (FE) and 3 October in Ferrara, welcomes names who have made the history of both foreign and foreign music – such as BLONDE REDHEAD and EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN – how Italian – PFM – and the most brilliant projects from beyond the Alps, such as FANTASTIC NEGRITO, DRY CLEANING or THE MURDER CAPITAL. At their side, some of the most interesting national artists around, such as NEW CANDYS, ANY OTHER and BIRTHH, with particular attention to those born or based in Emilia-Romagna: DENTE, DANIELA PES, IBISCO, FUSAIFUSA and LEATHERETTE. Arts Vive Festival, which will be held from 4 to 7 July in Soliera (MO) and 11 July in Modena, for its seventeenth edition hosts the most varied shades of sound, ranging from the shoegaze of RIDE and BDRMM to the rock of BAR ITALIA, since to reach Italian musicians of great refinement and experimentation such as VENERUS, MARTA DEL GRANDI, MARCO CASTELLO and the Italian-Canadian based in Bologna JAMES JONATHAN CLANCY. In the twelfth edition of Open sky instead, which takes place between July and August in Cesena and San Mauro Pascoli, with a preview on May 25th in Savignano sul Rubicone, space for an equally rich sound mix: from the shoegaze of SLOWDIVE to the anarchic and unique poetry of KAE TEMPEST, from the sound stratification of EXPLOSION IN THE SKY to the eclectic depth of TY SEGALL, passing from the history of Italian rock with MARLENE KUNTZ to the songwriting of VASCO BRONDI from Ferrara and that of FULMINACCI up to the young and multifaceted talent of THRU COLLECTED.

Arts Vive Festival (2023)

Thanks to “Solido”, three festivals with different identities and stories have given rise to a unique synergy and a rare artistic harmony, implementing policies that are committed to a series of common fronts: sustainable environmental and economic impact, guaranteed accessibility, a inclusive communication and environment. A virtuous circle that promotes an atmosphere of respect and openness and which, at the same time and because of this, multiplies opportunities for artists, the public and for the sector. The one undertaken by “Solido” therefore wants to be a journey to the (re)discovery and (re)valuation of music, culture and territory, with the active participation of the various subjects that are part of it: from artists to the public, from institutions and local associations to operators in the sector. Precisely for this reason over the years “Solido” has not closed itself in an exclusive work between the three festivals but has collaborated with local authorities, associations, clubs and venues throughout the region, creating a network of events and initiatives throughout the territory, and it promoted projects and paths aimed at the growth and development of Emilia-Romagna artists. Strong in the belief that a more sustainable and inclusive future is possible and must be built together, “Solido” is also a candidate for the next three years to be a point of reference for the evolution of music festivals, continuing and expanding the experience of the Festivalino Digitale , enhancing the musical and creative heritage of Emilia-Romagna and working on the formation of a new aware and prepared public.

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