“Pecci Peretola is transformed”, the announcement on mobility between Prato and Florence

“Pecci Peretola is transformed”, the announcement on mobility between Prato and Florence
“Pecci Peretola is transformed”, the announcement on mobility between Prato and Florence

The point on the road infrastructure which will be submitted to a ministerial tender by October and which will see the Prato-Campi section as the first lot

The Pecci-Peretola metrotramway is transformed into the Central Station-Peretola metrotramway with a reversal of priority in the construction in batches: no longer from Florence to Prato but rather vice versa, with the Central Station-Campi Bisenzio section followed by the one from Campi to Peretola passing through Osmannoro. The news was announced this morning, May 22, by the president of the Region Eugenio Giani, by the mayor Matteo Biffoni and by the centre-left mayoral candidate, Ilaria Bugetti. An ambitious but concrete objective as explained by the Tuscan governor who will already give a new professional assignment next Monday to arrive at a technical-economic feasibility project on the first lot to complete the entire intervention which will be presented to the tender of the Ministry of Infrastructure by next October 31st. “I have already spoken about it at the supervisory table on the development of tram routes and found agreement. – explained Giani – The studies have directed us to reverse the path compared to what was established with Matteo Biffoni in 2020. We start from Prato station instead of Peretola”.

The overall cost of the intervention is approximately 900 million euros, a figure that can be divided over several lots. It is premature to give time indications now on when it will become reality but in the meantime there is now confirmation of the political will, the strengthening of the project in the Prato area and the administrative translation of these commitments with participation in the ministerial tender. However, it is already possible to say that it will be a rail line, faster than the Florentine one (up to 70 km/h) because it is inter-provincial and will have fewer stops (every 500 metres).

“Mobility is a central theme of our proposal for the city. – comments Bugetti – To carry out major works you need to have projects ready to intercept the resources. With this work Prato returns to the center of metropolitan and high-speed connections. It concerns all those strategic themes for the city: from tourism to economic development, lightening the car load along our roads and making our territory even more dynamic”.

The total length of the project is 16 kilometers of which approximately half is the first lot. Now it is up to the technicians to understand which are the best and most functional routes to meet the mobility needs of the two Tuscan cities and the entire metropolitan area. “A work that has been talked about for twenty years and which President Giani took charge of in 2020. – explained Biffoni – With the work of the offices of the Region and the Municipality in recent years, it is no longer a simple proposal but it is reality. An idea that now sees light and concreteness with participation in a ministerial tender. A significant and important commitment that will change metropolitan mobility.”

Source: Press office

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