Worker stabbed by colleague in Scoglitti near Ragusa during an argument: blood on clothes, arrested

Worker stabbed by colleague in Scoglitti near Ragusa during an argument: blood on clothes, arrested
Worker stabbed by colleague in Scoglitti near Ragusa during an argument: blood on clothes, arrested

A worker has stabbed a colleague to Scoglittiin the province of Ragusa in Sicily. The man was arrested. At the basis of the attack there seems to have been an argument which then degenerated for trivial reasons. The injured man suffered cuts to his boss and to theabdomen.

Man stabbed in Scoglitti

The Carabinieri of the Scoglitti station were called to intervene in afarm where a violent argument had been reported.

Upon their arrival the soldiers found a Bengali worker covered in cuts and a Algerian colleague 53 year old with blood on his clothes.

Scoglitti is a fraction of the municipality of Vittoria, in the province of Ragusa. It has just over 4,000 residents.

Attacker under house arrest

The Bangladeshi was rescued and rushed to the Guzzardi hospital in Vittoria. The Algerian was searched and found edged weapons. The man (whose initials have been made known BK) was arrested and taken to prison in Ragusa.

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After validating the arrest, the investigating judge ordered the home. An accusation hangs over the head of the arrested man aggravated injuries.


The attack on the Scoglitti farm took place on May 17th and the validation of the precautionary measure, in the immediate proceedings, took place on May 20th.

A week before near a gas station a big one broke out brawl in the middle of the night. A man was stabbed and was transferred to the emergency room of Vittoria hospital. Fortunately, his injuries were not life-threatening.

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And a month earlier another stabbing had shaken the small community of Scoglitti, in the Ragusa area. On the night between Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April in town square was stabbed a person at the height of a fight. A man of nationality comes out the worst Romanian.

Photo source: ANSA

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