“The world of bees that save the world”: initiative with the Lions at the PubbliR Green Area

“The world of bees that save the world”: initiative with the Lions at the PubbliR Green Area
“The world of bees that save the world”: initiative with the Lions at the PubbliR Green Area

“The World of Bees that Save the World!” is rightly among the most heartfelt services of this social year which is drawing to a close, a unique and creative opportunity for reflection on the magical and industrious world of bees, on their importance for the protection of our planet, on their contribution to sustainable development and also on the threats they face every day due to human misbehavior. Our proposal today was dedicated to the students of the “Rosita Zarfati” Primary School of Velletri Istituto Comprensivo Gino Felci where, in different ways, we addressed the topic.

The third-year children, very attentive and composed, first listened with great interest to the speech of the park rangers Maurizio and Emanuele, who came to tell us about these 40 years of history of the wonderful Castelli Romani Park which also honored us with its patronage of the initiative . Then, they followed the slide illustrated by member Fabrizio Battistini assisted in the explanation by the Veliterno cartoonist Roberto Mangosi who, with his characteristic features, represented the world of bees in a comic way in real time, managing to keep alive the interest of such young children such an important topic.

The first theoretical part was followed, at 11:00, by the practical part: 80 children (fourth and fifth grade), escorted by the Local Police, with an ecological walk, reached the nearby recently inaugurated #GreenArea, created by Riccardo Colella, owner of the “Public R Graphic”. Fate wanted the First “Green” School of Velletri to be one step away from the first Veliterna company to create a “Green Area” in the pure sense of the term, and we thought that the bee one was the right opportunity to promote a meeting that will certainly bring benefits to our community in the future too, since the users are the children of today but the adults of tomorrow.

To welcome us in a green meadow that smells of “good air”, of nature, of oxygen, the beekeeper William Salustri (“Apicoltura Salustri”) who made us find a frame freshly extracted from one of the 24 hives present in the area, from which, with the help of a small spoon, the children were able to taste the delicious honey produced which was also poured onto the very fresh “cat’s tongues”, characteristic biscuits prepared specifically for this event by the “Caffè del Bargello” of Velletri. The combination of honey and fragrant biscuits was truly a winner and the children repeatedly approached the full trays for a truly special snack.

It was time to visit the hives, in religious silence so as not to annoy the bees who darted laboriously from one side to the other while the beekeeper Francesco, wearing his typical uniform, tinkered with the various containers to check that everything was ok. After the hives, the conclusion at the highest point of the land where Riccardo made us find the tools necessary for planting a Norway Maple taken for the occasion. The enthusiastic children also provided this further celebration of nature which will remain in their memories also thanks to a certificate of participation that all the students of the complex received at the end of the day.

It was then the moment of thanks, again to the school, to the teachers and to the dynamic Representative of the Complex, Dr. Francesca Nocca who immediately accepted our proposal, to the Beekeeper William Salustri who today offered his professionalism for the benefit of the service and lastly, a big thank you to Riccardo Colella who showed enthusiasm at the idea of ​​being able to create an event that would formalize the importance of its green creation for the community. He also received a Certificate of Appreciation from our Club which today was represented by President Luca Quaglia as well as by member Fabrizio Battistini, contact person for the Service “The world of bees that save the world!” supported by partners Michela De Rossi, Pier Paolo Gasbarri and Alessandro Ercoli.

For the Municipality of Velletri, also a sponsoring body, the Councilors Simona Zani, Dario Di Luzio and Andrea Bizzarri were present, and the Vice President of Fare Verde Onlus Velletri Colli Albani Diego De Marzi was also present.

With our hearts full of joy and emotions, we can only say THANK YOU again to those who, believing in the seriousness of our work, never fail to give us consensus and support for projects that we have been carrying out ethically for 48 years for the benefit of the community. .

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