Fatal accident in Piazza Repubblica in Lamezia, the driver acquitted

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The decision

The man was accused of vehicular homicide. The Court did not find him responsible for the pedestrian’s death

Published on: 05/21/2024 – 19:59

LAMEZIA TERME Acquitted of vehicular homicide. Thus ended the trial against the driver of the BMW accused of having hit a pedestrian on 21 April 2022, in Piazza della Repubblica in Lamezia Terme, and – in particular – near the roundabout adjacent to the city court, causing his death – occurred subsequently – on 6 May 2022. The judge, following the discussion of the parties, sharing the thesis of the lawyer Salvatore Cerra, defender of the accused, acquitted the driver of the vehicle of the charge of vehicular homicide with a broad formula.
The Prosecutor’s Office – considering the existence of the pedestrian’s collective responsibility, and taking into account the conclusions reached by the technical consultant appointed by the Public Prosecutor who had recognized the causal link – having applied the reductions for the abbreviated procedure, had requested the conviction of the accused to imprisonment of 1 year, 1 month and 10 days. A request which was quashed by the Court which thus acquitted the man.


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VAT no. 03199620794, Via del Mare, 65/3 S.Eufemia, Lamezia Terme (CZ)
Court registration of Lamezia Terme 5/2011 – Responsible director Paola Militano

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