In Reggio, three days of public events for the 210th anniversary of the founding of the Carabinieri

In Reggio, three days of public events for the 210th anniversary of the founding of the Carabinieri
In Reggio, three days of public events for the 210th anniversary of the founding of the Carabinieri

REGGIO CALABRIA – They will be three days of celebrations under the banner of solidarity and a relationship of direct and mutual synergy with the citizen, those organized by the Provincial Command of the Army of
Carabinieri of Reggio Calabria on the occasion of the annual foundation of the Benemerita, which next June 5th it will celebrate its two hundred and ten years of history with a series of events aimed at reflecting its fundamental values ​​and further strengthening the bond with the community, which has always been its distinctive feature, making it the weapon of the people. The celebrations will begin today 3 June with the participation of the Carabinieri in the first blood donation campaign at the Grand Metropolitan Hospital of Reggio Calabria, a concrete gesture of altruism and solidarity that reflects
profoundly the dedication of the Army in serving and protecting the community everywhere and in all its forms, also giving hope of life to those who suffer and need life-saving therapies. On this occasion, the General Command of the Carabinieri, through the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria, will also deliver a contribution to the local Pediatric Department, the result of the proceeds from the sales of Planning 2024, to express closeness and restore hope to many children and their families. Among the highlights of the celebrations, the concert organized on June 4th starting from 7pm in an exceptional setting, the symbolic Piazza dell’Integrazione tra i Popoli in the heart of Arghillà. In addition to marking the return of the celebrations of the foundation of the Benemerita in public contexts, with events designed for the people and among the people, the concert will bring culture and beauty to the heart of a neighborhood often characterized by heated contrasts and social fragilities. The exhibition, organized by the National Carabinieri Association, will be entrusted to
talented students of the “Francesco Cilea” Conservatory of Reggio Calabria and aims to be a concrete signal of the Army’s commitment to guaranteeing all communities, even those living in particularly vulnerable contexts, attention, closeness and affirmation of the values ​​of safety and legality.
The celebrations will reach their peak on June 5th, in memory of the day on which, in 1920, the Army Flag was awarded the first Gold Medal for Military Valor for the Carabinieri’s participation in the First World War. To commemorate the event, starting from 9.30 am, again in Piazza dell’Integrazione fra i Popoli di Arghillà, an armed ceremony will be held, where a training department will be deployed, representing all the Carabinieri of the Province in their different organizations and
specialty: from the traditional Special Great Uniform worn by the Carabinieri of the Student School of Reggio Calabria, which recalls the historical roots of the Institution, to the representation of the Station Commanders, first interpreters of the security needs and needs of the citizens, as well as the main and concrete expression of an operating model focused on proximity. Also present were the military anti-sabotage bomb squad, forestry units and units specialized in the sectors of health, work and high-profile judicial police investigations. The deployment will be completed by the Banners of the Municipality of Reggio
Calabria, the Metropolitan City and the Calabria Region and by the military associations. To follow the celebrations on social media and share the values ​​of solidarity, safety and legality, we invite you to use the hashtag #SIpuodonareD+.

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