Il Mangiastorie: a documentary film on agricultural biodiversity in the Marche

Il Mangiastorie: a documentary film on agricultural biodiversity in the Marche
Il Mangiastorie: a documentary film on agricultural biodiversity in the Marche

On Monday 20 May, on the occasion of the National Day of Biodiversity of agricultural and food interest, the project was presented at the AMAP headquarters in Osimo. “STORY EATERS TO DISCOVER BIODIVERSITY” a docufilm designed to tell the story of the Marche through three ingredients: the uniqueness of the territory, the quality of the typical products and the genius of those who transform them into gastronomic experiences.

The project, conceived by AMAP – Agency for Innovation in the Agri-Food and Fisheries Sector in collaboration with The Story Eateraims to enhance the products of agricultural biodiversity and the activity of their respective custodians, through the creation of dishes that bring to the table the flavors of a time that risk being forgotten.

Five chefs involved: Giulia Carnaroli, Michela Domizi, Maria Vittoria Griffoni, Barbara Settembri and Sabrina Tuzi, who using their creativity and expertise to enhance the organoleptic characteristics of local products, have created five dishes that represent a perfect combination of tradition and innovation.

At the basis of the choice and selection of products is the Regional Directory LR 12/2003 Of “Protection of animal and plant genetic resources in the Marche region”. From the Cicerchia of Serra de’ Conti to the Visciola of Cantiano, passing through the Pink Apple of the Sibillini Mountains to the Artichoke of Montelupone or the Asparagus of Elpidiense. There are eighteen selected foods, each of which embodies the authenticity, rarity and historical-cultural importance of the product and the territory to which it belongs.

Through this documentary, which uses a compelling combination of interviews, images and narration, the aim is to entice the viewer to take part in a exciting journey in the territories of the Marche provinceswhich will lead him from the mountains to the sea, exploring the different nuances of local cuisine and discovering the authenticity of the products of agricultural biodiversity at every stage of the journey.

Along with the screening of the documentary, a calendar of events to promote the project and raise public awareness of agricultural and territorial biodiversity. The program will include screenings in cinemas, local historic theatres, restaurants and locations in the main cities of the Marche to attract greater interest on a tourist level. The 2024 calendar of events will be available on the social pages of Agricultural Biodiversity Marche, Il Mangiastorie, Fondazione Marche Cultura and AMAP Marche respectively.

“The main objective – he comments Ambra Micheletti, project manager – is to enhance the agricultural biodiversity activity that the Marche Region has been carrying out for almost 20 years. The intent that moves us is to excite more and more people about these issues using a different method, that of the documentary which gives voice to the three protagonists of this process: the ingredients or products of agricultural biodiversity, the farmers and breeders who are custodians and finally five chefs, one for each province of the Marche, who transform the products into unique dishes. The bond that is created between the products and the territories they belong to is particular, essential for defining their taste and history”.

“The best way – he declares Francesca Severini, AMAP director – to protect the agri-food biodiversity of our Region is to know it and disseminate it. Now important for the diffusion of the docufilm “STORY EATERS TO DISCOVER BIODIVERSITY” is the synergy with the tourism and culture sectors of the Marche Region, with Fondazione Marche Cultura and ATIM. We would like to create an atmosphere of anticipation by holding engaging previews of the documentary. Preview excerpts at relevant local events. Schedule meetings with local associations, tourist consortia and cultural bodies, presenting the project as an opportunity for collaboration to promote local culture and food and wine tourism. Actively involve these organizations in promotion through their communication channels and events.”

“Encouraging biodiversity is one of the great challenges of our time – notes the Marche Cultura Foundation which supports and supports this project with conviction – even more so in a region like ours, where the variety, the typical, the uniqueness of the small things are founding characteristics of the Marche region. Talking about gastronomic excellence is in all respects a cultural operation, because foods, from production to arrival on the table, fully tell the story, the beauty, the know-how, the talent and the care that make a product special and finally a dish, bringing with it the particularity of the territory from which they come”.

“The Story Eater – he concludes Davide Mancini, director Mangiastorie – as well as being entirely female thanks to the interventions of 5 “lady chefs” from the region, it was enriched by the precious stories of the custodians, who we called “heroes”. For us too it was a journey of discovery because during the filming of this documentary we finally understood the true meaning of biodiversity. The message we want to convey is that diversity does not mean something “foreign” or “other” but rather something unique, authentic. This diversity is not only agri-food but also cultural since there are many uses and traditions that are handed down over time. The intent is to raise awareness of how much beauty and how much work there is in biodiversity.”


Written by: Bianca Pasquini – Iris lab and AMAP agricultural biodiversity group

Director: Davide Mancini – Studio Lux

Communication: AMAP, Fondazione Marche Cultura e il Mangiastorie

Press Office: AMAP and Fondazione Marche Cultura



Facebook: Agricultural Biodiversity of the Marche Marche Cultura


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